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328 lines | 16.0 KiB | application/x-tcl | TclLexer
# Declaration order inside classes
proc createMachine {visibility initState} {
set machine [dict create visibility $visibility state $initState waitingFor "typedef" previousState "" bracesCounter 0 isStatic 0]
return $machine
proc createVisibilityMachine {} {
set machine [dict create state "beforeLeftBrace" visibilityState "waitingForPublic" bracesCounter 0 visibility ""]
return $machine
set tokenFilter {
set globalOrder "The global order is public members then public slots, protected members then protected slots and private members then private slots."
foreach fileName [getSourceFileNames] {
set machines [list]
set visibilityMachines [list]
set visibilityState "waitingForPublic"
set prev1 ""
set prev2 ""
set lastIdentifier ""
foreach token [getTokens $fileName 1 0 -1 -1 $tokenFilter] {
set type [lindex $token 3]
set line [lindex $token 1]
if {$type == "identifier"} {
set lastIdentifier [lindex $token 0]
if {$type == "class" || $type == "struct"} {
lappend visibilityMachines [createVisibilityMachine]
if {$type == "colon" && ($prev1 == "public" || $prev1 == "protected" || $prev1 == "private")} {
lappend machines [createMachine $prev1 "beforeVisibility"]
# Machines for the visibility order
set visibilityMachinesToKeep [list]
foreach m $visibilityMachines {
set keepMachine 1
dict with m {
if {$state == "beforeLeftBrace"} {
if {$type == "semicolon"} {
set keepMachine 0
} elseif {$type == "leftbrace"} {
set state "root"
} elseif {$state == "root"} {
if {$type == "public" || $type == "protected" || $type == "private"} {
set visibility $type
set state "waitingForColon"
} elseif {$type == "leftbrace"} {
incr bracesCounter
set state "consumeBraces"
} elseif {$type == "rightbrace"} {
set keepMachine 0
} elseif {$state == "waitingForColon"} {
if {$type == "colon"} {
if {$visibility == "public" && $prev1 != "identifier"} {
if {$visibilityState == "waitingForPublicSlots"
|| $visibilityState == "waitingForProtected"
|| $visibilityState == "waitingForProtectedSlots"
|| $visibilityState == "waitingForPrivate"
|| $visibilityState == "waitingForPrivateSlots"
|| $visibilityState == "done"} {
report $fileName $line "There should be at most one public visibility and it should be at the start of the class. $globalOrder"
} else {
set visibilityState "waitingForPublicSlots"
} elseif {$visibility == "public" && $prev1 == "identifier" && $lastIdentifier == "slots"} {
if {$visibilityState == "waitingForProtected"
|| $visibilityState == "waitingForProtectedSlots"
|| $visibilityState == "waitingForPrivate"
|| $visibilityState == "waitingForPrivateSlots"
|| $visibilityState == "done"} {
report $fileName $line "There should be at most one public slots visibility and it should be between public and protected. $globalOrder"
} else {
set visibilityState "waitingForProtected"
} elseif {$visibility == "protected" && $prev1 != "identifier"} {
if {$visibilityState == "waitingForProtectedSlots"
|| $visibilityState == "waitingForPrivate"
|| $visibilityState == "waitingForPrivateSlots"
|| $visibilityState == "done"} {
report $fileName $line "There should be at most one protected visibility and it should be between public slots and protected slots. $globalOrder"
} else {
set visibilityState "waitingForProtectedSlots"
} elseif {$visibility == "protected" && $prev1 == "identifier" && $lastIdentifier == "slots"} {
if {$visibilityState == "waitingForPrivate"
|| $visibilityState == "waitingForPrivateSlots"
|| $visibilityState == "done"} {
report $fileName $line "There should be at most one protected slots visibility and it should be between protected and private. $globalOrder"
} else {
set visibilityState "waitingForPrivate"
} elseif {$visibility == "private" && $prev1 != "identifier"} {
if {$visibilityState == "waitingForPrivateSlots"
|| $visibilityState == "done"} {
report $fileName $line "There should be at most one private visibility and it should be between protected slots and private slots. $globalOrder"
} else {
set visibilityState "waitingForPrivateSlots"
} elseif {$visibility == "private" && $prev1 == "identifier" && $lastIdentifier == "slots"} {
if {$visibilityState == "done"} {
report $fileName $line "There should be at most one private visibility and it should be the last of the class. $globalOrder"
} else {
set visibilityState "done"
set state "root"
} elseif {$state == "consumeBraces"} {
if {$type == "leftbrace"} {
incr bracesCounter
} elseif {$type == "rightbrace"} {
incr bracesCounter -1
if {$bracesCounter == 0} {
set state "root"
if {$keepMachine} {
lappend visibilityMachinesToKeep $m
set visibilityMachines $visibilityMachinesToKeep
# Machines for the declaration order inside a visibility
set machinesToKeep [list]
foreach m $machines {
set keepMachine 1
dict with m {
if {$state == "beforeVisibility" && $type == $visibility} {
set state "root"
} elseif {$state == "root"} {
if {$type == "public" || $type == "protected" || $type == "private" || $type == "rightbrace"} {
# End of the state machine when we reach the next
# visibility block
set keepMachine 0
} else {
if {$type == "static"} {
set isStatic 1
if {$waitingFor == "typedef"} {
if {$type == "typedef"} {
set state "consumeUntilNextSemiColon"
} else {
set waitingFor "enum"
if {$waitingFor == "enum"} {
if {$type == "typedef"} {
set state "consumeUntilNextSemiColon"
report $fileName $line "The typedefs should be before the enums"
} elseif {$type == "enum"} {
set state "consumeUntilNextSemiColon"
} else {
set waitingFor "class/struct"
if {$waitingFor == "class/struct"} {
if {$type == "typedef" || $type == "enum"} {
set state "consumeUntilNextSemiColon"
report $fileName $line "The typedefs and enums should be before the classes/structs"
} elseif {$type == "class" || $type == "struct"} {
set state "consumeUntilNextSemiColon"
} else {
set waitingFor "staticFunc"
if {$waitingFor == "staticFunc"} {
if {$type == "typedef" || $type == "enum" || $type == "class" || $type == "struct"} {
set state "consumeUntilNextSemiColon"
report $fileName $line "The typedefs, enums, classes and structs should be before the static functions"
} elseif {$prev1 == "identifier"} {
if {$type == "leftparen"} {
if {$isStatic} {
set state "consumeFunction"
} else {
set waitingFor "method"
} elseif {$type == "assign" || $type == "semicolon"} {
set waitingFor "staticVar"
if {$waitingFor == "staticVar"} {
if {$type == "typedef" || $type == "enum" || $type == "class" || $type == "struct"} {
set state "consumeUntilNextSemiColon"
report $fileName $line "The typedefs, enums, classes and structs should be before the static variables"
} elseif {$prev1 == "identifier"} {
if {$type == "leftparen"} {
if {$isStatic} {
set state "consumeFunction"
report $fileName $line "The static functions should be before the static variables"
} else {
set waitingFor "method"
} elseif {$type == "assign" || $type == "semicolon"} {
if {!$isStatic} {
set waitingFor "method"
if {$type != "semicolon"} {
set state "consumeUntilNextSemiColon"
} else {
set isStatic 0
if {$waitingFor == "method"} {
if {$type == "typedef" || $type == "enum" || $type == "class" || $type == "struct"} {
set state "consumeUntilNextSemiColon"
report $fileName $line "The typedefs, enums, classes and structs should be before the methods"
} elseif {$prev2 == "identifier" && $prev1 == "operator" && $type == "assign"} {
# override of operator=()
set state "consumeFunction"
} elseif {$prev1 == "identifier"} {
if {$type == "leftparen"} {
if {$isStatic} {
report $fileName $line "The static functions should be before the methods"
set state "consumeFunction"
} elseif {$type == "assign" || $type == "semicolon"} {
if {$isStatic} {
report $fileName $line "The static variables should be before the methods"
} else {
set waitingFor "var"
if {$waitingFor == "var"} {
if {$type == "typedef" || $type == "enum" || $type == "class" || $type == "struct"} {
set state "consumeUntilNextSemiColon"
report $fileName $line "The typedefs, enums, classes and structs should be before the variables"
} elseif {$prev1 == "identifier"} {
if {$type == "leftparen"} {
if {$isStatic} {
report $fileName $line "The static functions should be before the variables"
} else {
report $fileName $line "The methods should be before the variables"
set state "consumeFunction"
} elseif {$type == "assign" || $type == "semicolon"} {
if {$isStatic} {
report $fileName $line "The static variables should be before the variables"
} elseif {$state == "consumeUntilNextSemiColon"} {
set isStatic 0
if {$type == "semicolon"} {
set state "root"
} elseif {$type == "leftbrace"} {
incr bracesCounter
set previousState $state
set state "consumeBraces"
} elseif {$state == "consumeFunction"} {
set isStatic 0
if {$type == "semicolon"} {
set state "root"
} elseif {$type == "leftbrace"} {
incr bracesCounter
set previousState "root"
set state "consumeBraces"
} elseif {$state == "consumeBraces"} {
if {$type == "leftbrace"} {
incr bracesCounter
} elseif {$type == "rightbrace"} {
incr bracesCounter -1
if {$bracesCounter == 0} {
set state $previousState
if {$keepMachine} {
lappend machinesToKeep $m
set machines $machinesToKeep
set prev2 $prev1
set prev1 $type