# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ provide completions for modules 'import', copied code with some modifications from IPython!""" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import print_function # Stdlib imports import inspect import os import re import sys from time import time from zipimport import zipimporter #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Globals and constants #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Time in seconds after which the rootmodules will be stored in (nonpermanent) cache TIMEOUT_STORAGE = 2 # Time in seconds after which we give up TIMEOUT_GIVEUP = 20 # Regular expression for the python import statement import_re = re.compile(r'.*(\.so|\.py[cod]?)$') # global cache cache = dict() def module_list(path): """ Return the list containing the names of the modules available in the given folder. """ # sys.path has the cwd as an empty string, but isdir/listdir need it as '.' if path == '': path = '.' if os.path.isdir(path): folder_list = os.listdir(path) elif path.endswith('.egg'): try: folder_list = [f for f in zipimporter(path)._files] except: folder_list = [] else: folder_list = [] if not folder_list: return [] # A few local constants to be used in loops below isfile = os.path.isfile pjoin = os.path.join basename = os.path.basename def is_importable_file(path): """Returns True if the provided path is a valid importable module""" name, extension = os.path.splitext( path ) return import_re.match(path) # and py3compat.isidentifier(name) # Now find actual path matches for packages or modules folder_list = [p for p in folder_list if isfile(pjoin(path, p,'__init__.py')) or is_importable_file(p) ] return [basename(p).split('.')[0] for p in folder_list] def get_root_modules(): """ Returns a list containing the names of all the modules available in the folders of the pythonpath. """ global cache if 'rootmodules' in cache: return cache['rootmodules'] t = time() store = False modules = list(sys.builtin_module_names) for path in sys.path: modules += module_list(path) if time() - t >= TIMEOUT_STORAGE and not store: store = True print("\nCaching the list of root modules, please wait!") print("(This will only be done once.)\n") sys.stdout.flush() if time() - t > TIMEOUT_GIVEUP: print("This is taking too long, we give up.\n") cache['rootmodules'] = [] return [] modules = set(modules) if '__init__' in modules: modules.remove('__init__') modules = list(modules) if store: cache['rootmodules'] = modules return modules def is_importable(module, attr, only_modules): if only_modules: return inspect.ismodule(getattr(module, attr)) else: return not(attr[:2] == '__' and attr[-2:] == '__') def try_import(mod, only_modules=False): try: m = __import__(mod) except: return [] mods = mod.split('.') for module in mods[1:]: m = getattr(m, module) m_is_init = hasattr(m, '__file__') and '__init__' in m.__file__ completions = [] if (not hasattr(m, '__file__')) or (not only_modules) or m_is_init: completions.extend( [attr for attr in dir(m) if is_importable(m, attr, only_modules)]) completions.extend(getattr(m, '__all__', [])) if m_is_init: completions.extend(module_list(os.path.dirname(m.__file__))) completions = set(completions) if '__init__' in completions: completions.remove('__init__') return list(completions) def module_completion(line): """ Returns a list containing the completion possibilities for an import line. The line looks like this : 'import xml.d' 'from xml.dom import' """ words = line.split(' ') nwords = len(words) # from whatever -> 'import ' if nwords == 3 and words[0] == 'from': return ['import '] # 'from xy' or 'import xy' if nwords < 3 and (words[0] in ['import','from']) : if nwords == 1: return get_root_modules() mod = words[1].split('.') if len(mod) < 2: return get_root_modules() completion_list = try_import('.'.join(mod[:-1]), True) return ['.'.join(mod[:-1] + [el]) for el in completion_list] # 'from xyz import abc' if nwords >= 3 and words[0] == 'from': mod = words[1] return try_import(mod)