/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs. ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public ** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation ** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of ** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU ** General Public Licensing requirements will be met: ** http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/opensource.html ** ** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please ** review the following information: ** http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/licensing.html or contact the ** sales department at sales@trolltech.com. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "classgenerator.h" #include "fileout.h" #include #include #include #define GENERATOR_NO_PROTECTED_FUNCTIONS ClassGenerator::ClassGenerator(PriGenerator *pri, SetupGenerator *setup) : priGenerator(pri), setupGenerator(setup) {} QString ClassGenerator::fileNameForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class) const { return QString("qtscript_%1.cpp").arg(meta_class->name()); } bool ClassGenerator::shouldGenerate(const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class) const { return false; // DISABLED! uint cg = meta_class->typeEntry()->codeGeneration(); return (cg & TypeEntry::GenerateCode) != 0; } static QString normalizedType(const AbstractMetaType *type) { QString str = QString::fromLatin1(QMetaObject::normalizedType(type->cppSignature().toLatin1())); if (str.endsWith(QLatin1Char('&'))) str.chop(1); else if (str.startsWith("const ")) { if (str.endsWith('*') || type->hasInstantiations() || type->typeEntry()->isValue()) str.remove(0, 6); } if (str == QLatin1String("QBool")) // ### hack str = QLatin1String("bool"); return str; } /*! Returns true if the class \a meta_class inherits from QObject, otherwise returns false. */ static bool isQObjectBased(const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class) { while (meta_class) { if (meta_class->name() == QLatin1String("QObject")) return true; meta_class = meta_class->baseClass(); } return false; } /*! Returns true if any of the given \a enums has been declared with Q_ENUMS. */ static bool hasQEnums(const AbstractMetaEnumList &enums) { for (int i = 0; i < enums.size(); ++i) { if (enums.at(i)->hasQEnumsDeclaration()) return true; } return false; } /*! Returns true if any of the given \a enums has a QFlags class associated with it. */ static bool hasFlags(const AbstractMetaEnumList &enums) { for (int i = 0; i < enums.size(); ++i) { FlagsTypeEntry *flags = enums.at(i)->typeEntry()->flags(); if (flags) return true; } return false; } static bool isSequenceType(const AbstractMetaType *tp) { return tp->isContainer() && (tp->instantiations().size() == 1); } static AbstractMetaFunction *findDefaultConstructor(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &ctors) { for (int i = 0; i < ctors.size(); ++i) { if (ctors.at(i)->actualMinimumArgumentCount() == 0) return ctors.at(i); } return 0; } static AbstractMetaFunctionList findConstructors(const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class) { return meta_class->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::Constructors | AbstractMetaClass::WasPublic | AbstractMetaClass::NotRemovedFromTargetLang); } /*! Returns true if \a meta_class has a default constructor, false otherwise. */ bool hasDefaultConstructor(const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class) { return findDefaultConstructor(findConstructors(meta_class)) != 0; } /*! Given the list of \a functions, creates a mapping from # of arguments to list of functions. */ static QMap createArgcToFunctionsMap( const AbstractMetaFunctionList &functions) { QMap result; for (int i = 0; i < functions.size(); ++i) { AbstractMetaFunction *func = functions.at(i); int argc = func->arguments().size(); for (int k = argc; k > 0; --k) { if (func->argumentRemoved(k)) --argc; } for (int j = func->actualMinimumArgumentCount(); j <= argc; ++j) result[j].append(func); } return result; } /*! Returns the name of the QScriptValue function to use to test if a value is of the given \a typeName, or an empty string if there is no such function. */ static QString builtinTypeTesterFunction(const QString &typeName) { if (typeName == QLatin1String("QString")) return QLatin1String("isString"); else if (typeName == QLatin1String("double")) return QLatin1String("isNumber"); else if (typeName == QLatin1String("float")) return QLatin1String("isNumber"); else if (typeName == QLatin1String("int")) return QLatin1String("isNumber"); else if (typeName == QLatin1String("uint")) return QLatin1String("isNumber"); else if (typeName == QLatin1String("short")) return QLatin1String("isNumber"); else if (typeName == QLatin1String("unsigned short")) return QLatin1String("isNumber"); else if (typeName == QLatin1String("bool")) return QLatin1String("isBoolean"); else if (typeName == QLatin1String("QVariant")) return QLatin1String("isVariant"); // else if (typeName == QLatin1String("QDateTime")) // return QLatin1String("isDate"); else if (typeName == QLatin1String("QRegExp")) return QLatin1String("isRegExp"); else if (typeName == QLatin1String("QObject*")) return QLatin1String("isQObject"); return QString(); } /*! Writes the code injections for the class \a meta_class that should be injected at position \a pos. */ static void writeInjectedCode(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class, CodeSnip::Position pos) { CodeSnipList code_snips = meta_class->typeEntry()->codeSnips(); foreach (const CodeSnip &cs, code_snips) { if ((cs.language == TypeSystem::NativeCode) && (cs.position == pos)) { s << cs.code() << endl; } } } /*! Writes the code injections for the function \a fun of the class \a meta_class that should be injected at position \a pos. */ static void writeInjectedCode(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class, const AbstractMetaFunction *fun, CodeSnip::Position pos) { FunctionModificationList mods = fun->modifications(meta_class); foreach (const FunctionModification &mod, mods) { if (!mod.isCodeInjection()) continue; foreach (const CodeSnip &cs, mod.snips) { if ((cs.language == TypeSystem::NativeCode) && (cs.position == pos)) { s << cs.code() << endl; } } } } /*! Writes a boolean expression that checks if the actual arguments are compatible with what the function expects. This is used to resolve ambiguous calls. */ static void writeArgumentTypeTests(QTextStream &stream, const AbstractMetaFunction *fun, const AbstractMetaArgumentList &arguments, int argc, int indent) { QString indentStr(indent, QLatin1Char(' ')); int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++j) { if (fun->argumentRemoved(j+1)) continue; if (i > 0) stream << endl << indentStr << "&& "; const AbstractMetaType *argType = 0; QString typeName = fun->typeReplaced(j+1); if (typeName.isEmpty()) { AbstractMetaArgument *arg = arguments.at(j); argType = arg->type(); typeName = normalizedType(argType); } QString scriptArg = QString::fromLatin1("context->argument(%0)").arg(i); if (argType && isSequenceType(argType)) { stream << scriptArg << ".isArray()"; } else if (typeName == "QVariant") { stream << "true"; } else { QString tester = builtinTypeTesterFunction(typeName); if (!tester.isEmpty()) { stream << scriptArg << "." << tester << "()"; } else if (typeName.endsWith('*')) { stream << "qscriptvalue_cast<" << typeName << ">(" << scriptArg << ")"; } else { // typeid-based test stream << "(qMetaTypeId<" << typeName; if (typeName.endsWith(QLatin1Char('>'))) stream << " "; stream << ">() == " << scriptArg << ".toVariant().userType())"; } } ++i; } } /*! Returns the name of the QScriptValue function to use to convert a value is of the given \a typeName, or an empty string if there is no such function. */ static QString builtinConversionFunction(const QString &typeName) { if (typeName == QLatin1String("QString")) return QLatin1String("toString"); else if (typeName == QLatin1String("double")) return QLatin1String("toNumber"); else if (typeName == QLatin1String("int")) return QLatin1String("toInt32"); else if (typeName == QLatin1String("uint")) return QLatin1String("toUInt32"); else if (typeName == QLatin1String("bool")) return QLatin1String("toBoolean"); else if (typeName == QLatin1String("QVariant")) return QLatin1String("toVariant"); else if (typeName == QLatin1String("QDateTime")) return QLatin1String("toDateTime"); else if (typeName == QLatin1String("QRegExp")) return QLatin1String("toRegExp"); else if (typeName == QLatin1String("QObject*")) return QLatin1String("toQObject"); return QString(); } /*! Generates script arguments --> C++ types conversion, in preparation for calling the native function we are binding. */ static int writePrepareArguments(QTextStream &stream, const AbstractMetaFunction *fun, const AbstractMetaArgumentList &arguments, int scriptArgc, int indent) { if (arguments.size() == 0) { Q_ASSERT(scriptArgc == 0); return 0; // nothing to do } QString indentStr(indent, QLatin1Char(' ')); int j = 0; for (int scriptArgIndex = 0; j < arguments.size(); ++j) { const AbstractMetaArgument *arg = arguments.at(j); bool isOptional = !arg->defaultValueExpression().isEmpty(); if (isOptional && (scriptArgIndex == scriptArgc)) break; QString conv = fun->conversionRule(TypeSystem::NativeCode, j+1); QString actualIn = QString::fromLatin1("context->argument(%0)").arg(scriptArgIndex); QString actualOut = QString::fromLatin1("_q_arg%0").arg(j); if (!conv.isEmpty()) { // custom conversion conv.replace(QString::fromLatin1("%in%"), actualIn); conv.replace(QString::fromLatin1("%out%"), actualOut); conv.replace(QString::fromLatin1("%this%"), QString::fromLatin1("_q_self")); stream << conv; } else { const AbstractMetaType *argType = 0; QString typeName = fun->typeReplaced(j+1); if (typeName.isEmpty()) { argType = arg->type(); typeName = normalizedType(argType); } stream << indentStr << typeName << " " << actualOut; QString converter; // ### generalize the QSet check (we should check if the type has push_back()) bool useToSequence = argType && isSequenceType(argType) && !argType->name().startsWith("Set"); if (useToSequence) { stream << ";" << endl; stream << indentStr << "qScriptValueToSequence("; } else { stream << " = "; converter = builtinConversionFunction(typeName); if (converter.isEmpty()) { // generic conversion stream << "qscriptvalue_cast<" << typeName; if (typeName.endsWith(QLatin1Char('>'))) stream << " "; stream << ">("; } } stream << actualIn; if (useToSequence) { stream << ", " << actualOut << ")"; } else { if (converter.isEmpty()) { stream << ")"; // close qscriptvalue_cast } else { stream << "." << converter << "()"; } } stream << ";" << endl; } if (!fun->argumentRemoved(j+1)) ++scriptArgIndex; } return j; } /*! Writes the arguments that are passed to the native function we are binding. Those arguments must have been prepared already in variables _q_arg0, _q_arg1, .. in the generated code. */ static void writeArguments(QTextStream &stream, int count) { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (i > 0) stream << ", "; stream << "_q_arg" << i; } } /*! Writes a constructor call. */ static void writeConstructorCallAndReturn(QTextStream &stream, const AbstractMetaFunction *fun, int scriptArgc, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class, int indent) { QString indentStr(indent, QLatin1Char(' ')); writeInjectedCode(stream, meta_class, fun, CodeSnip::Beginning); AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = fun->arguments(); Q_ASSERT(arguments.size() >= scriptArgc); int nativeArgc = writePrepareArguments(stream, fun, arguments, scriptArgc, indent); stream << indentStr; if (meta_class->generateShellClass()) { stream << "QtScriptShell_" << meta_class->name(); } else { stream << meta_class->qualifiedCppName(); } bool useNew = meta_class->typeEntry()->isObject() || !hasDefaultConstructor(meta_class); if (useNew) stream << "*"; stream << " _q_cpp_result"; if (useNew) { stream << " = new "; if (meta_class->generateShellClass()) stream << "QtScriptShell_" << meta_class->name(); else stream << meta_class->qualifiedCppName(); } if (useNew || (nativeArgc != 0)) { stream << "("; writeArguments(stream, nativeArgc); stream << ")"; } stream << ";" << endl; stream << indentStr << "QScriptValue _q_result = context->engine()->new"; if (isQObjectBased(meta_class)) stream << "QObject"; else stream << "Variant"; stream << "(context->thisObject(), "; if (!isQObjectBased(meta_class)) stream << "qVariantFromValue("; if (meta_class->generateShellClass()) { stream << "(" << meta_class->qualifiedCppName(); if (useNew) stream << "*"; stream << ")"; } stream << "_q_cpp_result"; if (isQObjectBased(meta_class)) stream << ", QScriptEngine::AutoOwnership"; else stream << ")"; stream << ");" << endl; if (meta_class->generateShellClass()) { stream << indentStr << "_q_cpp_result"; if (useNew) stream << "->"; else stream << "."; stream << "__qtscript_self = _q_result;" << endl; } writeInjectedCode(stream, meta_class, fun, CodeSnip::End); stream << indentStr << "return _q_result;" << endl; } /*! Returns true if the given \a typeName has a QScriptValue constructor we can use, false otherwise. */ static bool hasScriptValueConstructor(const QString &typeName) { return (typeName == QLatin1String("bool")) || (typeName == QLatin1String("int")) || (typeName == QLatin1String("uint")) || (typeName == QLatin1String("double")) || (typeName == QLatin1String("QString")); } /*! Writes a function call. */ static void writeFunctionCallAndReturn(QTextStream &stream, const AbstractMetaFunction *fun, int scriptArgc, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class, int indent) { QString indentStr(indent, QLatin1Char(' ')); AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = fun->arguments(); Q_ASSERT(arguments.size() >= scriptArgc); writeInjectedCode(stream, meta_class, fun, CodeSnip::Beginning); int nativeArgc = writePrepareArguments(stream, fun, arguments, scriptArgc, indent); bool returnThisObject = fun->shouldReturnThisObject(); bool ignoreReturnValue = returnThisObject || fun->shouldIgnoreReturnValue(); stream << indentStr; AbstractMetaType *retType = fun->type(); bool constCastResult = false; if (retType && !ignoreReturnValue) { QString rsig = retType->cppSignature(); QString typeName = normalizedType(retType); stream << typeName << " _q_result = "; constCastResult = rsig.endsWith('*') && rsig.startsWith("const "); if (constCastResult) stream << "const_cast<" << typeName << ">("; } if (!fun->isStatic()) { // ### the friendly check should be enough... if (fun->isFriendly() || ((fun->name() == QLatin1String("operator_equal")) && ((meta_class->name() == QLatin1String("QPoint")) || (meta_class->name() == QLatin1String("QPointF")) || (meta_class->name() == QLatin1String("QRect")) || (meta_class->name() == QLatin1String("QRectF")) || (meta_class->name() == QLatin1String("QSize")) || (meta_class->name() == QLatin1String("QSizeF"))))) { stream << fun->originalName() << "("; stream << "*_q_self, "; } else { stream << "_q_self->"; stream << fun->originalName() << "("; } } else { stream << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "::"; stream << fun->originalName() << "("; } writeArguments(stream, nativeArgc); if (constCastResult) stream << ")"; stream << ");" << endl; writeInjectedCode(stream, meta_class, fun, CodeSnip::End); // write return statement stream << indentStr; if (returnThisObject) { stream << "return context->thisObject();"; } else { QString conv = fun->conversionRule(TypeSystem::NativeCode, 0); if (!conv.isEmpty()) { // custom conversion conv.replace(QString::fromLatin1("%in%"), "_q_result"); conv.replace(QString::fromLatin1("%out%"), "_q_convertedResult"); stream << conv; stream << "return qScriptValueFromValue(context->engine(), _q_convertedResult);"; } else { stream << "return "; if (retType) { if (isSequenceType(retType)) stream << "qScriptValueFromSequence"; else if (hasScriptValueConstructor(normalizedType(retType))) stream << "QScriptValue"; else stream << "qScriptValueFromValue"; stream << "(context->engine(), _q_result);"; } else { stream << "context->engine()->undefinedValue();"; } } } stream << endl; } /*! Returns true if the given function \a fun is operator>>() or operator<<() that streams from/to a Q{Data,Text}Stream, false otherwise. */ bool ClassGenerator::isSpecialStreamingOperator(const AbstractMetaFunction *fun) { return ((fun->functionType() == AbstractMetaFunction::GlobalScopeFunction) && (fun->arguments().size() == 1) && (((fun->originalName() == "operator>>") && (fun->modifiedName() == "readFrom")) || ((fun->originalName() == "operator<<") && (fun->modifiedName() == "writeTo")))); } /*! Generates code that uses Q{Data,Text}Stream operator>>() or operator<<() to read/write an instance of meta_class. */ static void writeStreamingOperatorCall(QTextStream &stream, const AbstractMetaFunction *fun, const AbstractMetaClass */*meta_class*/, int indent) { QString indentStr(indent, QLatin1Char(' ')); QString streamClassName = fun->arguments().at(0)->type()->name(); stream << indentStr << streamClassName << "* _q_arg0 = qscriptvalue_cast<" << streamClassName << "*>(context->argument(0));" << endl; stream << indentStr << "operator"; if (fun->modifiedName() == "readFrom") stream << ">>"; else stream << "<<"; stream << "(*_q_arg0, *_q_self);" << endl; stream << indentStr << "return context->engine()->undefinedValue();" << endl; } /*! Writes the constructor forwarding for \a meta_class. */ static void writeConstructorForwarding(QTextStream &stream, const AbstractMetaFunctionList &functions, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class) { #if 0 stream << "/** signatures:" << endl; foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *fun, functions) { stream << " * " << fun->signature() << endl; } stream << " */" << endl; #endif if (/*meta_class->isAbstract() ||*/ (functions.size() == 0)) { stream << " return context->throwError(QScriptContext::TypeError," << endl << " QString::fromLatin1(\"" << meta_class->name() << " cannot be constructed\"));" << endl; } else { stream << " if (context->thisObject().strictlyEquals(context->engine()->globalObject())) {" << endl << " return context->throwError(QString::fromLatin1(\"" << meta_class->name() << "(): Did you forget to construct with 'new'?\"));" << endl << " }" << endl; writeInjectedCode(stream, meta_class, CodeSnip::Constructor); QMap argcToFunctions; argcToFunctions = createArgcToFunctionsMap(functions); int argcMin = argcToFunctions.keys().first(); int argcMax = argcToFunctions.keys().last(); bool needElse = false; for (int i = argcMin; i <= argcMax; ++i) { AbstractMetaFunctionList funcs = argcToFunctions.value(i); if (funcs.isEmpty()) continue; if (needElse) stream << " else "; else stream << " "; needElse = true; stream << "if (context->argumentCount() == " << i << ") {" << endl; if ((funcs.size() == 1) || (i == 0)) { AbstractMetaFunction *fun = funcs.at(0); const int indent = 8; writeConstructorCallAndReturn(stream, fun, i, meta_class, indent); } else { // handle overloads for (int j = 0; j < funcs.size(); ++j) { AbstractMetaFunction *fun = funcs.at(j); stream << " "; if (j > 0) stream << "} else "; stream << "if ("; AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = fun->arguments(); const int indent = 12; writeArgumentTypeTests(stream, fun, arguments, i, indent); stream << ") {" << endl; writeConstructorCallAndReturn(stream, fun, i, meta_class, indent); } stream << " }" << endl; } stream << " }"; } stream << endl; // writeThrowAmbiguityError(stream, meta_class, 0, signatures.toList()); } } /*! Returns a list of enum \a values that are actually unique. */ QList uniqueEnumValueIndexes(const AbstractMetaEnumValueList &values) { QMap map; for (int i = 0; i < values.count(); ++i) { AbstractMetaEnumValue *val = values.at(i); if (!map.contains(val->value())) map.insert(val->value(), i); } return map.values(); } /*! */ static bool isContiguousEnum(const QList &indexes, const AbstractMetaEnumValueList &values) { if (indexes.isEmpty()) return false; int prev = values.at(indexes.at(0))->value(); for (int i = 1; i < indexes.size(); ++i) { int curr = values.at(indexes.at(i))->value(); if (curr != prev + 1) return false; prev = curr; } return true; } static void writeCreateEnumClassHelper(QTextStream &stream) { stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_create_enum_class_helper(" << endl << " QScriptEngine *engine," << endl << " QScriptEngine::FunctionSignature construct," << endl << " QScriptEngine::FunctionSignature valueOf," << endl << " QScriptEngine::FunctionSignature toString)" << endl << "{" << endl << " QScriptValue proto = engine->newObject();" << endl << " proto.setProperty(QString::fromLatin1(\"valueOf\")," << endl << " engine->newFunction(valueOf), QScriptValue::SkipInEnumeration);" << endl << " proto.setProperty(QString::fromLatin1(\"toString\")," << endl << " engine->newFunction(toString), QScriptValue::SkipInEnumeration);" << endl << " return engine->newFunction(construct, proto, 1);" << endl << "}" << endl << endl; } static void writeCreateFlagsClassHelper(QTextStream &stream) { stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_create_flags_class_helper(" << endl << " QScriptEngine *engine," << endl << " QScriptEngine::FunctionSignature construct," << endl << " QScriptEngine::FunctionSignature valueOf," << endl << " QScriptEngine::FunctionSignature toString," << endl << " QScriptEngine::FunctionSignature equals)" << endl << "{" << endl << " QScriptValue proto = engine->newObject();" << endl << " proto.setProperty(QString::fromLatin1(\"valueOf\")," << endl << " engine->newFunction(valueOf), QScriptValue::SkipInEnumeration);" << endl << " proto.setProperty(QString::fromLatin1(\"toString\")," << endl << " engine->newFunction(toString), QScriptValue::SkipInEnumeration);" << endl << " proto.setProperty(QString::fromLatin1(\"equals\")," << endl << " engine->newFunction(equals), QScriptValue::SkipInEnumeration);" << endl << " return engine->newFunction(construct, proto);" << endl << "}" << endl << endl; } /*! Writes the enum \a enom belonging to the class \a meta_class to the given \a stream. */ static void writeEnumClass(QTextStream &stream, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class, const AbstractMetaEnum *enom) { QString qualifiedEnumName = meta_class->qualifiedCppName() + "::" + enom->name(); QString qtScriptEnumName = meta_class->name() + "_" + enom->name(); stream << "//" << endl; stream << "// " << qualifiedEnumName << endl; stream << "//" << endl << endl; // determine unique values (aliases will cause switch statement to not compile) AbstractMetaEnumValueList values = enom->values(); QList uniqueIndexes = uniqueEnumValueIndexes(values); bool contiguous = isContiguousEnum(uniqueIndexes, values); // write arrays of values and keys stream << "static const " << qualifiedEnumName << " qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_values[] = {" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < uniqueIndexes.size(); ++i) { stream << " "; if (i > 0) stream << ", "; stream << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "::" << values.at(uniqueIndexes.at(i))->name() << endl; } stream << "};" << endl << endl; stream << "static const char * const qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_keys[] = {" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < uniqueIndexes.size(); ++i) { stream << " "; if (i > 0) stream << ", "; stream << "\"" << values.at(uniqueIndexes.at(i))->name() << "\"" << endl; } stream << "};" << endl << endl; // write toString helper stream << "static QString qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_toStringHelper" << "(" << qualifiedEnumName << " value)" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; if (enom->hasQEnumsDeclaration() && (meta_class->qualifiedCppName() != "QTransform")) { stream << " const QMetaObject *meta = qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_metaObject();" << endl; stream << " int idx = meta->indexOfEnumerator(\"" << enom->name() << "\");" << endl; stream << " Q_ASSERT(idx != -1);" << endl; stream << " QMetaEnum menum = meta->enumerator(idx);" << endl; stream << " return QString::fromLatin1(menum.valueToKey(value));" << endl; } else { if (contiguous) { stream << " if ((value >= " << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "::" << values.at(uniqueIndexes.first())->name() << ")" << " && (value <= " << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "::" << values.at(uniqueIndexes.last())->name() << "))" << endl << " return qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_keys[static_cast(value)-static_cast(" << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "::" << values.at(uniqueIndexes.first())->name() << ")];" << endl; } else { stream << " for (int i = 0; i < " << uniqueIndexes.size() << "; ++i) {" << endl << " if (qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_values[i] == value)" << endl << " return QString::fromLatin1(qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_keys[i]);" << endl << " }" << endl; } stream << " return QString();" << endl; } stream << "}" << endl << endl; // write QScriptValue <--> C++ conversion functions stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_toScriptValue(" << "QScriptEngine *engine, const " << qualifiedEnumName << " &value)" << endl << "{" << endl << " QScriptValue clazz = engine->globalObject().property(QString::fromLatin1(\"" << meta_class->name() << "\"));" << endl // << " QScriptValue enumClazz = clazz.property(QString::fromLatin1(\"" // << enom->name() << "\"));" << endl << " return clazz.property(qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_toStringHelper(value));" << endl << "}" << endl << endl; stream << "static void qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_fromScriptValue(" << "const QScriptValue &value, " << qualifiedEnumName << " &out)" << endl << "{" << endl << " out = qvariant_cast<" << qualifiedEnumName << ">(value.toVariant());" << endl << "}" << endl << endl; // write constructor stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_construct_" << qtScriptEnumName << "(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine)" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " int arg = context->argument(0).toInt32();" << endl; if (enom->hasQEnumsDeclaration() && (meta_class->qualifiedCppName() != "QTransform")) { stream << " const QMetaObject *meta = qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_metaObject();" << endl; stream << " int idx = meta->indexOfEnumerator(\"" << enom->name() << "\");" << endl; stream << " Q_ASSERT(idx != -1);" << endl; stream << " QMetaEnum menum = meta->enumerator(idx);" << endl; stream << " if (menum.valueToKey(arg) != 0)" << endl; stream << " return qScriptValueFromValue(engine, static_cast<" << qualifiedEnumName << ">(arg));" << endl; } else { if (contiguous) { stream << " if ((arg >= " << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "::" << values.at(uniqueIndexes.first())->name() << ")" << " && (arg <= " << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "::" << values.at(uniqueIndexes.last())->name() << "))" << endl; stream << " return qScriptValueFromValue(engine, static_cast<" << qualifiedEnumName << ">(arg));" << endl; } else { stream << " for (int i = 0; i < " << uniqueIndexes.size() << "; ++i) {" << endl << " if (qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_values[i] == arg)" << endl; stream << " return qScriptValueFromValue(engine, static_cast<" << qualifiedEnumName << ">(arg));" << endl; stream << " }" << endl; } } stream << " return context->throwError(QString::fromLatin1(\"" << enom->name() << "(): invalid enum value (%0)\").arg(arg));" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; // write prototype.valueOf() stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_valueOf(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine)" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " " << qualifiedEnumName << " value = " << "qscriptvalue_cast<" << qualifiedEnumName << ">(context->thisObject());" << endl; stream << " return QScriptValue(engine, static_cast(value));" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; // write prototype.toString() stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_toString(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine)" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " " << qualifiedEnumName << " value = " << "qscriptvalue_cast<" << qualifiedEnumName << ">(context->thisObject());" << endl; stream << " return QScriptValue(engine, qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_toStringHelper(value));" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; // write class creation function stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_create_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_class(QScriptEngine *engine, QScriptValue &clazz)" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " QScriptValue ctor = qtscript_create_enum_class_helper(" << endl << " engine, qtscript_construct_" << qtScriptEnumName << "," << endl << " qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_valueOf, qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_toString);" << endl; stream << " qScriptRegisterMetaType<" << qualifiedEnumName << ">(engine, " << "qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_toScriptValue," << endl << " qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_fromScriptValue," << " ctor.property(QString::fromLatin1(\"prototype\")));" << endl; // enum values are properties of the constructor stream << " for (int i = 0; i < " << uniqueIndexes.size() << "; ++i) {" << endl << " clazz.setProperty(QString::fromLatin1(qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_keys[i])," << endl << " engine->newVariant(qVariantFromValue(qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_values[i]))," << endl << " QScriptValue::ReadOnly | QScriptValue::Undeletable);" << endl << " }" << endl; stream << " return ctor;" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; // write flags class too, if any FlagsTypeEntry *flags = enom->typeEntry()->flags(); if (!flags) return; QString qualifiedFlagsName = meta_class->qualifiedCppName() + "::" + flags->targetLangName(); QString qtScriptFlagsName = meta_class->name() + "_" + flags->targetLangName(); stream << "//" << endl; stream << "// " << qualifiedFlagsName << endl; stream << "//" << endl << endl; // write QScriptValue <--> C++ conversion functions stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_" << qtScriptFlagsName << "_toScriptValue(" << "QScriptEngine *engine, const " << qualifiedFlagsName << " &value)" << endl << "{" << endl << " return engine->newVariant(qVariantFromValue(value));" << endl << "}" << endl << endl; stream << "static void qtscript_" << qtScriptFlagsName << "_fromScriptValue(" << "const QScriptValue &value, " << qualifiedFlagsName << " &out)" << endl << "{" << endl << " QVariant var = value.toVariant();" << endl << " if (var.userType() == qMetaTypeId<" << qualifiedFlagsName << ">())" << endl << " out = qvariant_cast<" << qualifiedFlagsName << ">(var);" << endl << " else if (var.userType() == qMetaTypeId<" << qualifiedEnumName << ">())" << endl << " out = qvariant_cast<" << qualifiedEnumName << ">(var);" << endl << " else" << endl << " out = 0;" << endl << "}" << endl << endl; // write constructor stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_construct_" << qtScriptFlagsName << "(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine)" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " " << qualifiedFlagsName << " result = 0;" << endl; stream << " if ((context->argumentCount() == 1) && context->argument(0).isNumber()) {" << endl; stream << " result = static_cast<" << qualifiedFlagsName << ">(context->argument(0).toInt32());" << endl; stream << " } else {" << endl; stream << " for (int i = 0; i < context->argumentCount(); ++i) {" << endl; stream << " QVariant v = context->argument(i).toVariant();" << endl; stream << " if (v.userType() != qMetaTypeId<" << qualifiedEnumName << ">()) {" << endl; stream << " return context->throwError(QScriptContext::TypeError," << endl << " QString::fromLatin1(\"" << flags->targetLangName() << "(): argument %0 is not of type " << enom->name() << "\").arg(i));" << endl; stream << " }" << endl; stream << " result |= qvariant_cast<" << qualifiedEnumName << ">(v);" << endl; stream << " }" << endl; stream << " }" << endl; stream << " return engine->newVariant(qVariantFromValue(result));" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; // write prototype.valueOf() stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_" << qtScriptFlagsName << "_valueOf(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine)" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " " << qualifiedFlagsName << " value = " << "qscriptvalue_cast<" << qualifiedFlagsName << ">(context->thisObject());" << endl; stream << " return QScriptValue(engine, static_cast(value));" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; // write prototype.toString() stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_" << qtScriptFlagsName << "_toString(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine)" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " " << qualifiedFlagsName << " value = " << "qscriptvalue_cast<" << qualifiedFlagsName << ">(context->thisObject());" << endl; stream << " QString result;" << endl; stream << " for (int i = 0; i < " << uniqueIndexes.size() << "; ++i) {" << endl << " if ((value & qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_values[i])" << " == qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_values[i]) {" << endl << " if (!result.isEmpty())" << endl << " result.append(QString::fromLatin1(\",\"));" << endl << " result.append(QString::fromLatin1(qtscript_" << qtScriptEnumName << "_keys[i]));" << endl << " }" << endl << " }" << endl << " return QScriptValue(engine, result);" << endl << "}" << endl << endl; // write prototype.equals() stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_" << qtScriptFlagsName << "_equals(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine)" << endl << "{" << endl << " QVariant thisObj = context->thisObject().toVariant();" << endl << " QVariant otherObj = context->argument(0).toVariant();" << endl << " return QScriptValue(engine, ((thisObj.userType() == otherObj.userType()) &&" << endl << " (thisObj.value<" << qualifiedFlagsName << ">() == otherObj.value<" << qualifiedFlagsName << ">())));" << endl << "}" << endl << endl; // write class creation function stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_create_" << qtScriptFlagsName << "_class(QScriptEngine *engine)" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " QScriptValue ctor = qtscript_create_flags_class_helper(" << endl << " engine, qtscript_construct_" << qtScriptFlagsName << ", qtscript_" << qtScriptFlagsName << "_valueOf," << endl << " qtscript_" << qtScriptFlagsName << "_toString, qtscript_" << qtScriptFlagsName << "_equals);" << endl; stream << " qScriptRegisterMetaType<" << qualifiedFlagsName << ">(engine, " << "qtscript_" << qtScriptFlagsName << "_toScriptValue," << endl << " qtscript_" << qtScriptFlagsName << "_fromScriptValue," << " ctor.property(QString::fromLatin1(\"prototype\")));" << endl; stream << " return ctor;" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; } /*! Declares the given \a typeName if it hasn't been declared already, and adds it to the set of registered type names. */ void maybeDeclareMetaType(QTextStream &stream, const QString &typeName, QSet ®isteredTypeNames) { QString name = typeName; if (name.endsWith(QLatin1Char('&'))) name.chop(1); if (registeredTypeNames.contains(name) || (QMetaType::type(typeName.toLatin1()) != 0)) return; if (name.contains(QLatin1Char(','))) { // need to expand the Q_DECLARE_METATYPE macro manually, // otherwise the compiler will choke stream << "template <> \\" << endl << "struct QMetaTypeId< " << name << " > \\" << endl << "{ \\" << endl << " enum { Defined = 1 }; \\" << endl << " static int qt_metatype_id() \\" << endl << " { \\" << endl << " static QBasicAtomicInt metatype_id = Q_BASIC_ATOMIC_INITIALIZER(0); \\" << endl << " if (!metatype_id) \\" << endl << " metatype_id = qRegisterMetaType< " << name << " >(\"" << name << "\"); \\" << endl << " return metatype_id; \\" << endl << " } \\" << endl << "};" << endl; } else { stream << "Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(" << name << ")" << endl; } registeredTypeNames << name; } /*! Declares the given \a type recursively (i.e. subtypes of a composite type are also declared). */ static void declareTypeRecursive(QTextStream &stream, const AbstractMetaType *type, QSet ®isteredTypeNames) { if (!type) return; QList subTypes = type->instantiations(); for (int i = 0; i < subTypes.size(); ++i) declareTypeRecursive(stream, subTypes.at(i), registeredTypeNames); QString typeName = normalizedType(type); if (typeName == QLatin1String("QStringList")) return; // ### wtf... maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, typeName, registeredTypeNames); } /*! Declares the types associated with the given \a functions. */ void declareFunctionMetaTypes(QTextStream &stream, const AbstractMetaFunctionList &functions, QSet ®isteredTypeNames) { for (int i = 0; i < functions.size(); ++i) { AbstractMetaFunction *fun = functions.at(i); if (ClassGenerator::isSpecialStreamingOperator(fun)) { maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, fun->arguments().at(0)->type()->name() + "*", registeredTypeNames); continue; } AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = fun->arguments(); for (int j = 0; j < arguments.size(); ++j) { if (fun->argumentRemoved(j+1)) continue; QString repl = fun->typeReplaced(j+1); if (!repl.isEmpty()) { maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, repl, registeredTypeNames); } else { const AbstractMetaArgument *arg = arguments.at(j); declareTypeRecursive(stream, arg->type(), registeredTypeNames); } } QString retRepl = fun->typeReplaced(0); if (!retRepl.isEmpty()) maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, retRepl, registeredTypeNames); else declareTypeRecursive(stream, fun->type(), registeredTypeNames); } } /*! Returns true if we don't care about the given enum \a enom, false otherwise. */ static bool shouldIgnoreEnum(const AbstractMetaEnum *enom) { return !enom->wasPublic() || (enom->name() == "enum_1"); } /*! Declares the types associated with the enums of the given \a meta_class. */ void declareEnumMetaTypes(QTextStream &stream, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class, QSet ®isteredTypeNames) { AbstractMetaEnumList enums = meta_class->enums(); for (int i = 0; i < enums.size(); ++i) { const AbstractMetaEnum *enom = enums.at(i); if (shouldIgnoreEnum(enom)) continue; maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, QString::fromLatin1("%0::%1") .arg(meta_class->qualifiedCppName()).arg(enom->name()), registeredTypeNames); FlagsTypeEntry *flags = enom->typeEntry()->flags(); if (flags) { maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, QString::fromLatin1("QFlags<%0::%1>") .arg(meta_class->qualifiedCppName()).arg(enom->name()), registeredTypeNames); } } } /*! Returns the maximum function length among \a functions. */ static int maxFunctionLength(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &functions) { int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < functions.size(); ++i) result = qMax(result, functions.at(i)->arguments().size()); return result; } /*! Writes a prototype/static function. */ static void writeFunctionForwarding(QTextStream &stream, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class, const AbstractMetaFunctionList &functions) { #if 0 stream << "/** signatures:" << endl; foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *fun, functions) { stream << " * " << fun->signature() << endl; } stream << " */" << endl; #endif QMap argcToFunctions; argcToFunctions = createArgcToFunctionsMap(functions); QSet signatures; int argcMin = argcToFunctions.keys().first(); int argcMax = argcToFunctions.keys().last(); for (int i = argcMin; i <= argcMax; ++i) { AbstractMetaFunctionList funcs = argcToFunctions.value(i); if (funcs.isEmpty()) continue; stream << " if (context->argumentCount() == " << i << ") {" << endl; if (funcs.size() == 1) { AbstractMetaFunction *fun = funcs.at(0); const int indent = 8; // special case for Q{Data,Text}Stream streaming operators if (ClassGenerator::isSpecialStreamingOperator(fun)) writeStreamingOperatorCall(stream, fun, meta_class, indent); else writeFunctionCallAndReturn(stream, fun, i, meta_class, indent); signatures.insert(fun->targetLangSignature()); } else { // handle overloads QStringList sigs; for (int j = 0; j < funcs.size(); ++j) { AbstractMetaFunction *fun = funcs.at(j); sigs.append(fun->signature()); stream << " "; if (j > 0) stream << "} else "; stream << "if ("; AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = fun->arguments(); const int indent = 12; writeArgumentTypeTests(stream, fun, arguments, i, indent); stream << ") {" << endl; writeFunctionCallAndReturn(stream, fun, i, meta_class, indent); signatures.insert(fun->targetLangSignature()); } stream << " }" << endl; } stream << " }" << endl; } } static void writePrototypeCall(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class, const QMap &nameToFunctions, int prototypeFunctionsOffset) { s << "static QScriptValue qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_prototype_call(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *)" << endl << "{" << endl; s << "#if QT_VERSION > 0x040400" << endl; s << " Q_ASSERT(context->callee().isFunction());" << endl << " uint _id = context->callee().data().toUInt32();" << endl; s << "#else" << endl << " uint _id;" << endl << " if (context->callee().isFunction())" << endl << " _id = context->callee().data().toUInt32();" << endl << " else" << endl << " _id = 0xBABE0000 + " << nameToFunctions.size() << ";" << endl; s << "#endif" << endl; s << " Q_ASSERT((_id & 0xFFFF0000) == 0xBABE0000);" << endl << " _id &= 0x0000FFFF;" << endl; // cast the thisObject to C++ type s << " "; #ifndef GENERATOR_NO_PROTECTED_FUNCTIONS if (meta_class->hasProtectedFunctions()) s << "qtscript_"; #endif s << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "* _q_self = "; #ifndef GENERATOR_NO_PROTECTED_FUNCTIONS if (meta_class->hasProtectedFunctions()) s << "reinterpret_castname() << "*>("; #endif s << "qscriptvalue_cast<" << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "*>(context->thisObject())"; #ifndef GENERATOR_NO_PROTECTED_FUNCTIONS if (meta_class->hasProtectedFunctions()) s << ")"; #endif s << ";" << endl << " if (!_q_self) {" << endl << " return context->throwError(QScriptContext::TypeError," << endl << " QString::fromLatin1(\"" << meta_class->name() << ".%0(): this object is not a " << meta_class->name() << "\")" << endl << " .arg(qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_function_names[_id+" << prototypeFunctionsOffset <<"]));" << endl << " }" << endl << endl; s << " switch (_id) {" << endl; QMap::const_iterator it; int index = 0; for (it = nameToFunctions.constBegin(); it != nameToFunctions.constEnd(); ++it) { s << " case " << index << ":" << endl; writeFunctionForwarding(s, meta_class, it.value()); s << " break;" << endl << endl; ++index; } if (!meta_class->hasDefaultToStringFunction()) { s << " case " << index << ": {" << endl; s << " QString result"; FunctionModelItem fun = meta_class->hasToStringCapability(); if (fun) { int indirections = fun->arguments().at(1)->type().indirections(); QString deref = QLatin1String(indirections == 0 ? "*" : ""); s << ";" << endl << " QDebug d(&result);" << endl << " d << " << deref << "_q_self;" << endl; } else { // ### FIXME: can cause compile error // s << "=QString(\"" << meta_class->name() << "(0x%1)\").arg((int)_q_self, 0, 16);" << endl; s << " = QString::fromLatin1(\"" << meta_class->name() << "\");" << endl; } s << " return QScriptValue(context->engine(), result);" << endl << " }" << endl << endl; } s << " default:" << endl << " Q_ASSERT(false);" << endl << " }" << endl; s << " return qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_throw_ambiguity_error_helper(context," << endl << " qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_function_names[_id+" << prototypeFunctionsOffset << "]," << endl << " qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_function_signatures[_id+" << prototypeFunctionsOffset << "]);" << endl; s << "}" << endl << endl; } static void writeStaticCall(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class, const AbstractMetaFunctionList &constructors, const QMap &nameToFunctions) { s << "static QScriptValue qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_static_call(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *)" << endl << "{" << endl; s << " uint _id = context->callee().data().toUInt32();" << endl << " Q_ASSERT((_id & 0xFFFF0000) == 0xBABE0000);" << endl << " _id &= 0x0000FFFF;" << endl; s << " switch (_id) {" << endl; s << " case 0:" << endl; writeConstructorForwarding(s, constructors, meta_class); s << " break;" << endl << endl; QMap::const_iterator it; int index = 1; for (it = nameToFunctions.constBegin(); it != nameToFunctions.constEnd(); ++it) { s << " case " << index << ":" << endl; writeFunctionForwarding(s, meta_class, it.value()); s << " break;" << endl << endl; ++index; } s << " default:" << endl << " Q_ASSERT(false);" << endl << " }" << endl; s << " return qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_throw_ambiguity_error_helper(context," << endl << " qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_function_names[_id]," << endl << " qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_function_signatures[_id]);" << endl; s << "}" << endl << endl; } /*! Writes the include defined by \a inc to \a stream. */ void ClassGenerator::writeInclude(QTextStream &stream, const Include &inc) { if (inc.name.isEmpty()) return; if (inc.type == Include::TargetLangImport) return; stream << "#include "; if (inc.type == Include::IncludePath) stream << "<"; else stream << "\""; stream << inc.name; if (inc.type == Include::IncludePath) stream << ">"; else stream << "\""; stream << endl; } static void writeHelperFunctions(QTextStream &stream, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class) { stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_throw_ambiguity_error_helper(" << endl << " QScriptContext *context, const char *functionName, const char *signatures)" << endl << "{" << endl << " QStringList lines = QString::fromLatin1(signatures).split(QLatin1Char('\\n'));" << endl << " QStringList fullSignatures;" << endl << " for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i)" << endl << " fullSignatures.append(QString::fromLatin1(\"%0(%1)\").arg(functionName).arg(lines.at(i)));" << endl << " return context->throwError(QString::fromLatin1(\"" << meta_class->name() << "::%0(): could not find a function match; candidates are:\\n%1\")" << endl << " .arg(functionName).arg(fullSignatures.join(QLatin1String(\"\\n\"))));" << endl << "}" << endl << endl; } void writeQtScriptQtBindingsLicense(QTextStream &stream) { stream << "/****************************************************************************" << endl << "**" << endl << "** Copyright (C) 2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved." << endl << "**" << endl << "** This file is part of the Qt Script Qt Bindings project on Trolltech Labs." << endl << "**" << endl << "** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public" << endl << "** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation" << endl << "** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of" << endl << "** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU" << endl << "** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:" << endl << "** http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/opensource.html" << endl << "**" << endl << "** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please" << endl << "** review the following information:" << endl << "** http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/licensing.html or contact the" << endl << "** sales department at sales@trolltech.com." << endl << "**" << endl << "** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE" << endl << "** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE." << endl << "**" << endl << "****************************************************************************/" << endl << endl; } /*! Finds the functions in \a meta_class that we actually want to generate bindings for. */ void findPrototypeAndStaticFunctions( const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class, QMap &nameToPrototypeFunctions, QMap &nameToStaticFunctions) { AbstractMetaFunctionList functions = meta_class->functionsInTargetLang(); for (int i = 0; i < functions.size(); ++i) { AbstractMetaFunction* func = functions.at(i); if (!func->isNormal()) continue; #ifdef GENERATOR_NO_PROTECTED_FUNCTIONS if (func->wasProtected()) continue; #endif if (func->declaringClass() != meta_class) continue; // function inherited through prototype if (func->isPropertyReader() || func->isPropertyWriter()) continue; // no point in including property accessors if (func->isSlot() || func->isSignal() || func->isInvokable()) continue; // no point in including signals and slots QMap &map = func->isStatic() ? nameToStaticFunctions : nameToPrototypeFunctions; map[func->modifiedName()].append(func); } } static void writeFunctionSignaturesString(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunctionList &functions) { s << "\""; for (int i = 0; i < functions.size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) s << "\\n"; QString sig = functions.at(i)->targetLangSignature(); sig = sig.mid(sig.indexOf('(') + 1); sig.chop(1); s << sig; } s << "\""; } /*! Writes the whole native binding for the class \a meta_class. */ void ClassGenerator::write(QTextStream &stream, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class) { if (meta_class->name() == "Global") // ### hmmmmmm return; if (FileOut::license) writeQtScriptQtBindingsLicense(stream); // write common includes stream << "#include " << endl; stream << "#include " << endl; stream << "#include " << endl; stream << "#include " << endl; stream << "#include " << endl; stream << "#include " << endl; stream << endl; // write class-specific includes { Include inc = meta_class->typeEntry()->include(); writeInclude(stream, inc); } { IncludeList includes = meta_class->typeEntry()->extraIncludes(); qSort(includes.begin(), includes.end()); foreach (const Include &i, includes) { writeInclude(stream, i); } } stream << endl; if (meta_class->generateShellClass()) { stream << "#include \"qtscriptshell_" << meta_class->name() << ".h\"" << endl; stream << endl; } AbstractMetaEnumList enums = meta_class->enums(); { // kill the enums we don't care about AbstractMetaEnumList::iterator it; for (it = enums.begin(); it != enums.end(); ) { if (shouldIgnoreEnum(*it)) it = enums.erase(it); else ++it; } } // find constructors AbstractMetaFunctionList ctors = findConstructors(meta_class); bool hasDefaultCtor = findDefaultConstructor(ctors) != 0; // find interesting functions QMap nameToPrototypeFunctions; QMap nameToStaticFunctions; findPrototypeAndStaticFunctions(meta_class, nameToPrototypeFunctions, nameToStaticFunctions); int staticFunctionsOffset = 1; int prototypeFunctionsOffset = staticFunctionsOffset + nameToStaticFunctions.size(); // write table of function names stream << "static const char * const qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_function_names[] = {" << endl; stream << " \"" << meta_class->name() << "\"" << endl; { QMap::const_iterator it; stream << " // static" << endl; for (it = nameToStaticFunctions.constBegin(); it != nameToStaticFunctions.constEnd(); ++it) { stream << " , "; stream << "\"" << it.key() << "\"" << endl; } stream << " // prototype" << endl; for (it = nameToPrototypeFunctions.constBegin(); it != nameToPrototypeFunctions.constEnd(); ++it) { QString functionName = it.key(); QString scriptName = functionName; if (functionName == QLatin1String("operator_equal")) scriptName = QLatin1String("equals"); stream << " , "; stream << "\"" << scriptName << "\"" << endl; } if (!meta_class->hasDefaultToStringFunction()) stream << " , \"toString\"" << endl; } stream << "};" << endl << endl; // write table of function signatures stream << "static const char * const qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_function_signatures[] = {" << endl; stream << " "; writeFunctionSignaturesString(stream, ctors); stream << endl; { QMap::const_iterator it; stream << " // static" << endl; for (it = nameToStaticFunctions.constBegin(); it != nameToStaticFunctions.constEnd(); ++it) { stream << " , "; writeFunctionSignaturesString(stream, it.value()); stream << endl; } stream << " // prototype" << endl; for (it = nameToPrototypeFunctions.constBegin(); it != nameToPrototypeFunctions.constEnd(); ++it) { stream << " , "; writeFunctionSignaturesString(stream, it.value()); stream << endl; } if (!meta_class->hasDefaultToStringFunction()) stream << "\"\"" << endl; } stream << "};" << endl << endl; #ifndef GENERATOR_NO_PROTECTED_FUNCTIONS if (meta_class->hasProtectedFunctions()) { // write a friendly class stream << "class qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << " : public " << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << endl; stream << "{" << endl; for (int x = 0; x < 2; ++x) { QMap &map = x ? nameToStaticFunctions : nameToPrototypeFunctions; QMap::const_iterator it; for (it = map.constBegin(); it != map.constEnd(); ++it) { AbstractMetaFunctionList functions = it.value(); for (int i = 0; i < functions.size(); ++i) { if (functions.at(i)->isProtected()) { stream << " friend QScriptValue qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_" << it.key(); if (functions.at(i)->isStatic()) stream << "_static"; stream << "(QScriptContext *, QScriptEngine *);" << endl; break; } } } } stream << "};" << endl; stream << endl; } #endif writeHelperFunctions(stream, meta_class); // write metaobject getter if we need it if (hasQEnums(enums) && (meta_class->qualifiedCppName() != "QTransform")) { if (meta_class->qualifiedCppName() == "Qt") { stream << "struct qtscript_Qt_metaObject_helper : private QObject" << endl << "{" << endl << " static const QMetaObject *get()" << endl << " { return &static_cast(0)->staticQtMetaObject; }" << endl << "};" << endl << endl; } stream << "static const QMetaObject *qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_metaObject()" << endl << "{" << endl << " return "; if (meta_class->qualifiedCppName() == "Qt") stream << "qtscript_Qt_metaObject_helper::get()"; else stream << "&" << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "::staticMetaObject"; stream << ";" << endl << "}" << endl << endl; } // write metatype declarations { QSet registeredTypeNames = m_qmetatype_declared_typenames; if (!meta_class->isNamespace()) { if (meta_class->typeEntry()->isValue() && hasDefaultCtor) maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, meta_class->qualifiedCppName(), registeredTypeNames); else registeredTypeNames << meta_class->qualifiedCppName(); maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, meta_class->qualifiedCppName() + "*", registeredTypeNames); } if (meta_class->generateShellClass()) { if (meta_class->typeEntry()->isValue()) { maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, "QtScriptShell_" + meta_class->name(), registeredTypeNames); } maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, "QtScriptShell_" + meta_class->name() + "*", registeredTypeNames); } declareEnumMetaTypes(stream, meta_class, registeredTypeNames); for (int x = 0; x < 2; ++x) { QMap &map = x ? nameToStaticFunctions : nameToPrototypeFunctions; QMap::const_iterator it; for (it = map.constBegin(); it != map.constEnd(); ++it) { declareFunctionMetaTypes(stream, it.value(), registeredTypeNames); } } declareFunctionMetaTypes(stream, ctors, registeredTypeNames); if (meta_class->baseClass() != 0) { maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, meta_class->baseClass()->qualifiedCppName() + QLatin1String("*"), registeredTypeNames); } foreach (AbstractMetaClass *iface, meta_class->interfaces()) { AbstractMetaClass *impl = iface->primaryInterfaceImplementor(); maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, impl->qualifiedCppName() + QLatin1String("*"), registeredTypeNames); } // ### hackety hack if (meta_class->name().endsWith("Gradient")) maybeDeclareMetaType(stream, "QGradient", registeredTypeNames); stream << endl; } writeInjectedCode(stream, meta_class, CodeSnip::Beginning); // write enum classes if (!enums.isEmpty()) { writeCreateEnumClassHelper(stream); if (hasFlags(enums)) writeCreateFlagsClassHelper(stream); for (int i = 0; i < enums.size(); ++i) { const AbstractMetaEnum *enom = enums.at(i); writeEnumClass(stream, meta_class, enom); } } stream << "//" << endl; stream << "// " << meta_class->name() << endl; stream << "//" << endl << endl; if (!meta_class->isNamespace()) { if (!nameToPrototypeFunctions.isEmpty() || !meta_class->hasDefaultToStringFunction()) writePrototypeCall(stream, meta_class, nameToPrototypeFunctions, prototypeFunctionsOffset); } writeStaticCall(stream, meta_class, ctors, nameToStaticFunctions); if (isQObjectBased(meta_class)) { // write C++ <--> script conversion functions stream << "static QScriptValue qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_toScriptValue(QScriptEngine *engine, " << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "* const &in)" << endl << "{" << endl << " return engine->newQObject(in, QScriptEngine::QtOwnership, QScriptEngine::PreferExistingWrapperObject);" << endl << "}" << endl << endl; stream << "static void qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_fromScriptValue(const QScriptValue &value, " << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "* &out)" << endl << "{" << endl << " out = qobject_cast<" << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "*>(value.toQObject());" << endl << "}" << endl << endl; } // // write exported function that creates the QtScript class // stream << "QScriptValue qtscript_create_" << meta_class->name() << "_class(QScriptEngine *engine)" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; // write lengths array stream << " static const int function_lengths[] = {" << endl; stream << " " << maxFunctionLength(ctors) << endl; { QMap::const_iterator it; stream << " // static" << endl; for (it = nameToStaticFunctions.constBegin(); it != nameToStaticFunctions.constEnd(); ++it) { stream << " , " << maxFunctionLength(it.value()) << endl; } stream << " // prototype" << endl; for (it = nameToPrototypeFunctions.constBegin(); it != nameToPrototypeFunctions.constEnd(); ++it) { stream << " , " << maxFunctionLength(it.value()) << endl; } if (!meta_class->hasDefaultToStringFunction()) stream << " , 0" << endl; } stream << " };" << endl; // setup prototype if (!meta_class->isNamespace()) { stream << " engine->setDefaultPrototype(qMetaTypeId<" << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "*>(), QScriptValue());" << endl; stream << " QScriptValue proto = engine->newVariant(qVariantFromValue((" << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "*)0));" << endl; bool havePrototypePrototype = false; if (meta_class->baseClass() != 0) { stream << " proto.setPrototype(engine->defaultPrototype(qMetaTypeId<" << meta_class->baseClass()->qualifiedCppName() << "*>()));" << endl; havePrototypePrototype = true; } foreach (AbstractMetaClass *iface, meta_class->interfaces()) { AbstractMetaClass *impl = iface->primaryInterfaceImplementor(); if (impl == meta_class) continue; if (!havePrototypePrototype) { stream << " proto.setPrototype(engine->defaultPrototype(qMetaTypeId<" << impl->qualifiedCppName() << "*>()));" << endl; havePrototypePrototype = true; } else { // alternative would be to copy the properties from the secondary // prototype to the primary prototype. stream << " proto.setProperty(QString::fromLatin1(\"__" << impl->name() << "__\")," << endl << " engine->defaultPrototype(qMetaTypeId<" << impl->qualifiedCppName() << "*>())," << endl << " QScriptValue::SkipInEnumeration);" << endl; } } if (!nameToPrototypeFunctions.isEmpty()) { QMap::const_iterator it; int count = nameToPrototypeFunctions.size(); if (!meta_class->hasDefaultToStringFunction()) ++count; stream << " for (int i = 0; i < " << count << "; ++i) {" << endl << " QScriptValue fun = engine->newFunction(qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_prototype_call, function_lengths[i+" << prototypeFunctionsOffset << "]);" << endl << " fun.setData(QScriptValue(engine, uint(0xBABE0000 + i)));" << endl << " proto.setProperty(QString::fromLatin1(qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_function_names[i+" << prototypeFunctionsOffset << "])," << endl << " fun, QScriptValue::SkipInEnumeration);" << endl << " }" << endl; } writeInjectedCode(stream, meta_class, CodeSnip::PrototypeInitialization); stream << endl; // register the prototype // stream << " qDebug() << \"registering " << meta_class->name() << " prototype\";" << endl; if (meta_class->typeEntry()->isValue() && hasDefaultCtor) { stream << " engine->setDefaultPrototype(qMetaTypeId<" << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << ">(), proto);" << endl; } if (isQObjectBased(meta_class)) { stream << " qScriptRegisterMetaType<" << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "*>(engine, qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_toScriptValue, " << endl << " qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_fromScriptValue, proto);" << endl; } else { stream << " engine->setDefaultPrototype(qMetaTypeId<" << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "*>(), proto);" << endl; } stream << endl; } else { stream << " QScriptValue proto = QScriptValue();" << endl; } // setup constructor stream << " QScriptValue ctor = engine->newFunction(qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_static_call, proto, function_lengths[0]);" << endl; stream << " ctor.setData(QScriptValue(engine, uint(0xBABE0000 + 0)));" << endl; if (!nameToStaticFunctions.isEmpty()) { // static functions QMap::const_iterator it; stream << " for (int i = 0; i < " << nameToStaticFunctions.size() << "; ++i) {" << endl << " QScriptValue fun = engine->newFunction(qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_static_call," << endl << " function_lengths[i+" << staticFunctionsOffset << "]);" << endl << " fun.setData(QScriptValue(engine, uint(0xBABE0000 + i+1)));" << endl << " ctor.setProperty(QString::fromLatin1(qtscript_" << meta_class->name() << "_function_names[i+" << staticFunctionsOffset << "])," << endl << " fun, QScriptValue::SkipInEnumeration);" << endl << " }" << endl; } stream << endl; // enums and flags classes { for (int i = 0; i < enums.size(); ++i) { const AbstractMetaEnum *enom = enums.at(i); stream << " ctor.setProperty(QString::fromLatin1(\"" << enom->name() << "\")," << endl << " qtscript_create_" << meta_class->name() << "_" << enom->name() << "_class(engine, ctor));" << endl; FlagsTypeEntry *flags = enom->typeEntry()->flags(); if (flags) { stream << " ctor.setProperty(QString::fromLatin1(\"" << flags->targetLangName() << "\")," << endl << " qtscript_create_" << meta_class->name() << "_" << flags->targetLangName() << "_class(engine));" << endl; } } } writeInjectedCode(stream, meta_class, CodeSnip::ConstructorInitialization); stream << " return ctor;" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; writeInjectedCode(stream, meta_class, CodeSnip::End); QString pro_file_name = meta_class->package().replace(".", "_") + "/" + meta_class->package().replace(".", "_") + ".pri"; priGenerator->addSource(pro_file_name, fileNameForClass(meta_class)); setupGenerator->addClass(meta_class); } bool ClassGenerator::isBuiltIn(const QString& name) { static QSet builtIn; if (builtIn.isEmpty()) { builtIn.insert("Qt"); builtIn.insert("QFont"); builtIn.insert("QPixmap"); builtIn.insert("QBrush"); builtIn.insert("QPalette"); builtIn.insert("QIcon"); builtIn.insert("QImage"); builtIn.insert("QPolygon"); builtIn.insert("QRegion"); builtIn.insert("QBitmap"); builtIn.insert("QCursor"); builtIn.insert("QColor"); builtIn.insert("QSizePolicy"); builtIn.insert("QKeySequence"); builtIn.insert("QTextLength"); builtIn.insert("QTextFormat"); builtIn.insert("QMatrix"); builtIn.insert("QDate"); builtIn.insert("QTime"); builtIn.insert("QDateTime"); builtIn.insert("QUrl"); builtIn.insert("QLocale"); builtIn.insert("QRect"); builtIn.insert("QRectF"); builtIn.insert("QSize"); builtIn.insert("QSizeF"); builtIn.insert("QLine"); builtIn.insert("QLineF"); builtIn.insert("QPoint"); builtIn.insert("QPointF"); builtIn.insert("QRegExp"); } return builtIn.contains(name); }