#include "PythonCompleter.h" #include #include "PythonCompleterPopup.h" #include "SimpleConsole.h" PythonCompleter::PythonCompleter(SimpleConsole *parent, PythonQtObjectPtr context) : QCompleter(parent) { // use given pythonqt-context _context = PythonQt::self()->createUniqueModule(); _parentContext = context; // initialize python _context.evalFile("PythonCompleter.py"); // generate string list model // (which we will change dynamically later) setModel( new QStringListModel(this) ); // generate the popup // (usually this is done automatically, but // we have some small modifications) PythonCompleterPopup *pythonCompleterPopup = new PythonCompleterPopup; setPopup( pythonCompleterPopup ); // notify me when the popup is shown/hidden... connect(pythonCompleterPopup, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(popupAboutToShow())); connect(pythonCompleterPopup, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), this, SLOT(popupAboutToHide())); // and finally update once when the autocompletion is started connect(parent, SIGNAL(autocompletionRequested()), this, SLOT(updateCompletions())); } void PythonCompleter::updateCompletions() { //qDebug() << "updateCompletions called"; SimpleConsole* textEditParent = qobject_cast(parent()); // get the code and truncate it to the cursor position QString codeBlock = textEditParent->currentCommand(); QTextCursor cursor = textEditParent->textCursor(); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End); int cursorPosFromRight = cursor.position() - textEditParent->textCursor().position(); codeBlock.truncate( codeBlock.length() - cursorPosFromRight ); // as a precaution disconnect connection (endless loop on error!) bool wasConnected = disconnect(textEditParent, SIGNAL(cursorPositionChanged()), this, SLOT(updateCompletions())); // call python function to determine list of possible completions QVariantList args; args.append(codeBlock); args.append(QVariant::fromValue(_parentContext)); QVariant completions = _context.call("autocompleteCode", args); if( wasConnected ) connect(textEditParent, SIGNAL(cursorPositionChanged()), this, SLOT(updateCompletions())); // set possible completions QStringListModel* listModel = qobject_cast( model() ); //qDebug() << "PythonCompleter: code = " << codeBlock << "\n completions = " << completions.toStringList() << "\n"; listModel->setStringList( completions.toStringList() ); } void PythonCompleter::popupAboutToShow() { //qDebug() << "popup about to show"; SimpleConsole* textEditParent = qobject_cast(parent()); // update completions when the cursor changes connect(textEditParent, SIGNAL(cursorPositionChanged()), this, SLOT(updateCompletions())); } void PythonCompleter::popupAboutToHide() { //qDebug() << "popup about to hide"; SimpleConsole* textEditParent = qobject_cast(parent()); // stop updating completions disconnect(textEditParent, SIGNAL(cursorPositionChanged()), this, SLOT(updateCompletions())); }