##// END OF EJS Templates
added enum wrapper classes derived from python int, so that enums are distinguishable from normal python integers. This will allow better overload handling e.g. of QColor constructors in the future...
added enum wrapper classes derived from python int, so that enums are distinguishable from normal python integers. This will allow better overload handling e.g. of QColor constructors in the future git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/pythonqt/code/trunk@87 ea8d5007-eb21-0410-b261-ccb3ea6e24a9

File last commit:

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922 lines | 35.7 KiB | text/x-c | CLexer
** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
** http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/opensource.html
** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
** review the following information:
** http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/licensing.html or contact the
** sales department at sales@trolltech.com.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
#include "codemodel.h"
#include "typesystem.h"
#include <QSet>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QTextStream>
class AbstractMeta;
class AbstractMetaClass;
class AbstractMetaField;
class AbstractMetaFunction;
class AbstractMetaType;
class AbstractMetaVariable;
class AbstractMetaArgument;
class AbstractMetaEnumValue;
class AbstractMetaEnum;
class QPropertySpec;
typedef QList<AbstractMetaField *> AbstractMetaFieldList;
typedef QList<AbstractMetaArgument *> AbstractMetaArgumentList;
typedef QList<AbstractMetaFunction *> AbstractMetaFunctionList;
class AbstractMetaClassList : public QList<AbstractMetaClass *>
AbstractMetaClass *findClass(const QString &name) const;
AbstractMetaEnumValue *findEnumValue(const QString &string) const;
AbstractMetaEnum *findEnum(const EnumTypeEntry *entry) const;
class AbstractMetaAttributes
AbstractMetaAttributes() : m_attributes(0) { };
enum Attribute {
None = 0x00000000,
Private = 0x00000001,
Protected = 0x00000002,
Public = 0x00000004,
Friendly = 0x00000008,
Visibility = 0x0000000f,
Native = 0x00000010,
Abstract = 0x00000020,
Static = 0x00000040,
FinalInTargetLang = 0x00000080,
FinalInCpp = 0x00000100,
ForceShellImplementation = 0x00000200,
GetterFunction = 0x00000400,
SetterFunction = 0x00000800,
FinalOverload = 0x00001000,
InterfaceFunction = 0x00002000,
PropertyReader = 0x00004000,
PropertyWriter = 0x00008000,
PropertyResetter = 0x00010000,
Fake = 0x00020000,
Invokable = 0x00040000,
Final = FinalInTargetLang | FinalInCpp
uint attributes() const { return m_attributes; }
void setAttributes(uint attributes) { m_attributes = attributes; }
uint originalAttributes() const { return m_originalAttributes; }
void setOriginalAttributes(uint attributes) { m_originalAttributes = attributes; }
uint visibility() const { return m_attributes & Visibility; }
void setVisibility(uint visi) { m_attributes = (m_attributes & ~Visibility) | visi; }
void operator+=(Attribute attribute) { m_attributes |= attribute; }
void operator-=(Attribute attribute) { m_attributes &= ~attribute; }
bool isNative() const { return m_attributes & Native; }
bool isFinal() const { return (m_attributes & Final) == Final; }
bool isFinalInTargetLang() const { return m_attributes & FinalInTargetLang; }
bool isFinalInCpp() const { return m_attributes & FinalInCpp; }
bool isAbstract() const { return m_attributes & Abstract; }
bool isStatic() const { return m_attributes & Static; }
bool isForcedShellImplementation() const { return m_attributes & ForceShellImplementation; }
bool isInterfaceFunction() const { return m_attributes & InterfaceFunction; }
bool isFinalOverload() const { return m_attributes & FinalOverload; }
bool isInvokable() const { return m_attributes & Invokable; }
bool isPropertyReader() const { return m_attributes & PropertyReader; }
bool isPropertyWriter() const { return m_attributes & PropertyWriter; }
bool isPropertyResetter() const { return m_attributes & PropertyResetter; }
bool isPrivate() const { return m_attributes & Private; }
bool isProtected() const { return m_attributes & Protected; }
bool isPublic() const { return m_attributes & Public; }
bool isFriendly() const { return m_attributes & Friendly; }
bool wasPrivate() const { return m_originalAttributes & Private; }
bool wasProtected() const { return m_originalAttributes & Protected; }
bool wasPublic() const { return m_originalAttributes & Public; }
bool wasFriendly() const { return m_originalAttributes & Friendly; }
uint m_attributes;
uint m_originalAttributes;
class AbstractMetaType
enum TypeUsagePattern {
AbstractMetaType() :
QString package() const { return m_type_entry->javaPackage(); }
QString name() const { return m_type_entry->targetLangName(); }
QString fullName() const { return m_type_entry->qualifiedTargetLangName(); }
void setTypeUsagePattern(TypeUsagePattern pattern) { m_pattern = pattern; }
TypeUsagePattern typeUsagePattern() const { return m_pattern; }
// true when use pattern is container
bool hasInstantiations() const { return !m_instantiations.isEmpty(); }
void addInstantiation(AbstractMetaType *inst) { m_instantiations << inst; }
void setInstantiations(const QList<AbstractMetaType *> &insts) { m_instantiations = insts; }
QList<AbstractMetaType *> instantiations() const { return m_instantiations; }
void setInstantiationInCpp(bool incpp) { m_cpp_instantiation = incpp; }
bool hasInstantiationInCpp() const { return hasInstantiations() && m_cpp_instantiation; }
QString minimalSignature() const;
// true when the type is a QtJambiObject subclass
bool hasNativeId() const;
// returns true if the typs is used as a non complex primitive, no & or *'s
bool isPrimitive() const { return m_pattern == PrimitivePattern; }
// returns true if the type is used as an enum
bool isEnum() const { return m_pattern == EnumPattern; }
// returns true if the type is used as a QObject *
bool isQObject() const { return m_pattern == QObjectPattern; }
// returns true if the type is used as an object, e.g. Xxx *
bool isObject() const { return m_pattern == ObjectPattern; }
// returns true if the type is used as an array, e.g. Xxx[42]
bool isArray() const { return m_pattern == ArrayPattern; }
// returns true if the type is used as a value type (X or const X &)
bool isValue() const { return m_pattern == ValuePattern; }
// returns true for more complex types...
bool isNativePointer() const { return m_pattern == NativePointerPattern; }
// returns true if the type was originally a QString or const QString & or equivalent for QLatin1String
bool isTargetLangString() const { return m_pattern == StringPattern; }
// returns true if the type was originally a QChar or const QChar &
bool isTargetLangChar() const { return m_pattern == CharPattern; }
// return true if the type was originally a QVariant or const QVariant &
bool isVariant() const { return m_pattern == VariantPattern; }
// return true if the type was originally a JObjectWrapper or const JObjectWrapper &
bool isJObjectWrapper() const { return m_pattern == JObjectWrapperPattern; }
// returns true if the type was used as a container
bool isContainer() const { return m_pattern == ContainerPattern; }
// returns true if the type was used as a flag
bool isFlags() const { return m_pattern == FlagsPattern; }
// returns true if the type was used as a thread
bool isThread() const { return m_pattern == ThreadPattern; }
bool isConstant() const { return m_constant; }
void setConstant(bool constant) { m_constant = constant; }
bool isReference() const { return m_reference; }
void setReference(bool ref) { m_reference = ref; }
// Returns true if the type is to be implemented using Java enums, e.g. not plain ints.
bool isTargetLangEnum() const { return isEnum() && !((EnumTypeEntry *) typeEntry())->forceInteger(); }
bool isIntegerEnum() const { return isEnum() && !isTargetLangEnum(); }
// Returns true if the type is to be implemented using Java QFlags, e.g. not plain ints.
bool isTargetLangFlags() const {
return isFlags() && !((FlagsTypeEntry *) typeEntry())->forceInteger(); }
bool isIntegerFlags() const { return isFlags() && !isTargetLangFlags(); }
int actualIndirections() const { return m_indirections + (isReference() ? 1 : 0); }
int indirections() const { return m_indirections; }
void setIndirections(int indirections) { m_indirections = indirections; }
void setArrayElementCount(int n) { m_array_element_count = n; }
int arrayElementCount() const { return m_array_element_count; }
AbstractMetaType *arrayElementType() const { return m_array_element_type; }
void setArrayElementType(AbstractMetaType *t) { m_array_element_type = t; }
QString cppSignature() const;
AbstractMetaType *copy() const;
const TypeEntry *typeEntry() const { return m_type_entry; }
void setTypeEntry(const TypeEntry *type) { m_type_entry = type; }
void setOriginalTypeDescription(const QString &otd) { m_original_type_description = otd; }
QString originalTypeDescription() const { return m_original_type_description; }
void setOriginalTemplateType(const AbstractMetaType *type) { m_original_template_type = type; }
const AbstractMetaType *originalTemplateType() const { return m_original_template_type; }
const TypeEntry *m_type_entry;
QList <AbstractMetaType *> m_instantiations;
QString m_package;
QString m_original_type_description;
int m_array_element_count;
AbstractMetaType *m_array_element_type;
const AbstractMetaType *m_original_template_type;
TypeUsagePattern m_pattern;
uint m_constant : 1;
uint m_reference : 1;
uint m_cpp_instantiation : 1;
int m_indirections : 4;
uint m_reserved : 25; // unused
class AbstractMetaVariable
AbstractMetaVariable() : m_type(0) { }
AbstractMetaType *type() const { return m_type; }
void setType(AbstractMetaType *type) { m_type = type; }
QString name() const { return m_name; }
void setName(const QString &name) { m_name = name; }
QString m_name;
AbstractMetaType *m_type;
class AbstractMetaArgument : public AbstractMetaVariable
AbstractMetaArgument() : m_argument_index(0) { };
QString defaultValueExpression() const { return m_expression; }
void setDefaultValueExpression(const QString &expr) { m_expression = expr; }
QString originalDefaultValueExpression() const { return m_original_expression; }
void setOriginalDefaultValueExpression(const QString &expr) { m_original_expression = expr; }
QString toString() const { return type()->name() + " " + AbstractMetaVariable::name() +
(m_expression.isEmpty() ? "" : " = " + m_expression); }
int argumentIndex() const { return m_argument_index; }
void setArgumentIndex(int argIndex) { m_argument_index = argIndex; }
QString argumentName() const;
QString indexedName() const;
AbstractMetaArgument *copy() const;
// Just to force people to call argumentName() And indexedName();
QString name() const;
QString m_expression;
QString m_original_expression;
int m_argument_index;
class AbstractMetaField : public AbstractMetaVariable, public AbstractMetaAttributes
const AbstractMetaClass *enclosingClass() const { return m_class; }
void setEnclosingClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) { m_class = cls; }
const AbstractMetaFunction *getter() const;
const AbstractMetaFunction *setter() const;
FieldModificationList modifications() const;
AbstractMetaField *copy() const;
mutable AbstractMetaFunction *m_getter;
mutable AbstractMetaFunction *m_setter;
const AbstractMetaClass *m_class;
class AbstractMetaFunction : public AbstractMetaAttributes
enum FunctionType {
enum CompareResult {
EqualName = 0x00000001,
EqualArguments = 0x00000002,
EqualAttributes = 0x00000004,
EqualImplementor = 0x00000008,
EqualReturnType = 0x00000010,
EqualDefaultValueOverload = 0x00000020,
EqualModifiedName = 0x00000040,
NameLessThan = 0x00001000,
PrettySimilar = EqualName | EqualArguments,
Equal = 0x0000001f,
NotEqual = 0x00001000
: m_function_type(NormalFunction),
QString name() const { return m_name; }
void setName(const QString &name) { m_name = name; }
QString originalName() const { return m_original_name.isEmpty() ? name() : m_original_name; }
void setOriginalName(const QString &name) { m_original_name = name; }
QString modifiedName() const;
QString minimalSignature() const;
QStringList possibleIntrospectionCompatibleSignatures() const;
QString marshalledName() const;
// true if one or more of the arguments are of QtJambiObject subclasses
bool argumentsHaveNativeId() const
foreach (const AbstractMetaArgument *arg, m_arguments) {
if (arg->type()->hasNativeId())
return true;
return false;
bool isModifiedRemoved(int types = TypeSystem::All) const;
AbstractMetaType *type() const { return m_type; }
void setType(AbstractMetaType *type) { m_type = type; }
// The class that has this function as a member.
const AbstractMetaClass *ownerClass() const { return m_class; }
void setOwnerClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) { m_class = cls; }
// The first class in a hierarchy that declares the function
const AbstractMetaClass *declaringClass() const { return m_declaring_class; }
void setDeclaringClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) { m_declaring_class = cls; }
// The class that actually implements this function
const AbstractMetaClass *implementingClass() const { return m_implementing_class; }
void setImplementingClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) { m_implementing_class = cls; }
bool needsCallThrough() const;
AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments() const { return m_arguments; }
void setArguments(const AbstractMetaArgumentList &arguments) { m_arguments = arguments; }
void addArgument(AbstractMetaArgument *argument) { m_arguments << argument; }
int actualMinimumArgumentCount() const;
void setInvalid(bool on) { m_invalid = on; }
bool isInvalid() const { return m_invalid; }
bool isDeprecated() const;
bool isDestructor() const { return functionType() == DestructorFunction; }
bool isConstructor() const { return functionType() == ConstructorFunction; }
bool isNormal() const { return functionType() == NormalFunction || isSlot() || isInGlobalScope(); }
bool isInGlobalScope() const { return functionType() == GlobalScopeFunction; }
bool isSignal() const { return functionType() == SignalFunction; }
bool isSlot() const { return functionType() == SlotFunction; }
bool isEmptyFunction() const { return functionType() == EmptyFunction; }
FunctionType functionType() const { return m_function_type; }
void setFunctionType(FunctionType type) { m_function_type = type; }
bool isVirtual() { return !(isFinal() || isSignal() || isStatic()); }
QStringList introspectionCompatibleSignatures(const QStringList &resolvedArguments = QStringList()) const;
QString signature() const;
QString targetLangSignature(bool minimal = false) const;
bool shouldReturnThisObject() const { return QLatin1String("this") == argumentReplaced(0); }
bool shouldIgnoreReturnValue() const { return QLatin1String("void") == argumentReplaced(0); }
bool isConstant() const { return m_constant; }
void setConstant(bool constant) { m_constant = constant; }
QString toString() const { return m_name; }
uint compareTo(const AbstractMetaFunction *other) const;
bool operator <(const AbstractMetaFunction &a) const;
AbstractMetaFunction *copy() const;
QString replacedDefaultExpression(const AbstractMetaClass *cls, int idx) const;
bool removedDefaultExpression(const AbstractMetaClass *cls, int idx) const;
QString conversionRule(TypeSystem::Language language, int idx) const;
QList<ReferenceCount> referenceCounts(const AbstractMetaClass *cls, int idx = -2) const;
bool nullPointersDisabled(const AbstractMetaClass *cls = 0, int argument_idx = 0) const;
QString nullPointerDefaultValue(const AbstractMetaClass *cls = 0, int argument_idx = 0) const;
bool resetObjectAfterUse(int argument_idx) const;
// Returns whether garbage collection is disabled for the argument in any context
bool disabledGarbageCollection(const AbstractMetaClass *cls, int key) const;
// Returns the ownership rules for the given argument in the given context
TypeSystem::Ownership ownership(const AbstractMetaClass *cls, TypeSystem::Language language, int idx) const;
bool isVirtualSlot() const;
QString typeReplaced(int argument_index) const;
bool isRemovedFromAllLanguages(const AbstractMetaClass *) const;
bool isRemovedFrom(const AbstractMetaClass *, TypeSystem::Language language) const;
bool argumentRemoved(int) const;
QString argumentReplaced(int key) const;
bool needsSuppressUncheckedWarning() const;
bool hasModifications(const AbstractMetaClass *implementor) const;
FunctionModificationList modifications(const AbstractMetaClass *implementor) const;
// If this function stems from an interface, this returns the
// interface that declares it.
const AbstractMetaClass *interfaceClass() const { return m_interface_class; }
void setInterfaceClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cl) { m_interface_class = cl; }
void setPropertySpec(QPropertySpec *spec) { m_property_spec = spec; }
QPropertySpec *propertySpec() const { return m_property_spec; }
QString m_name;
QString m_original_name;
mutable QString m_cached_minimal_signature;
mutable QString m_cached_modified_name;
FunctionType m_function_type;
AbstractMetaType *m_type;
const AbstractMetaClass *m_class;
const AbstractMetaClass *m_implementing_class;
const AbstractMetaClass *m_declaring_class;
const AbstractMetaClass *m_interface_class;
QPropertySpec *m_property_spec;
AbstractMetaArgumentList m_arguments;
uint m_constant : 1;
uint m_invalid : 1;
class AbstractMetaEnumValue
: m_value_set(false), m_value(0)
int value() const { return m_value; }
void setValue(int value) { m_value_set = true; m_value = value; }
QString stringValue() const { return m_string_value; }
void setStringValue(const QString &v) { m_string_value = v; }
QString name() const { return m_name; }
void setName(const QString &name) { m_name = name; }
bool isValueSet() const { return m_value_set; }
QString m_name;
QString m_string_value;
bool m_value_set;
int m_value;
class AbstractMetaEnumValueList : public QList<AbstractMetaEnumValue *>
AbstractMetaEnumValue *find(const QString &name) const;
class AbstractMetaEnum : public AbstractMetaAttributes
AbstractMetaEnum() : m_type_entry(0), m_class(0), m_has_qenums_declaration(false) {}
AbstractMetaEnumValueList values() const { return m_enum_values; }
void addEnumValue(AbstractMetaEnumValue *enumValue) { m_enum_values << enumValue; }
QString name() const { return m_type_entry->targetLangName(); }
QString qualifier() const { return m_type_entry->javaQualifier(); }
QString package() const { return m_type_entry->javaPackage(); }
QString fullName() const { return package() + "." + qualifier() + "." + name(); }
// Has the enum been declared inside a Q_ENUMS() macro in its enclosing class?
void setHasQEnumsDeclaration(bool on) { m_has_qenums_declaration = on; }
bool hasQEnumsDeclaration() const { return m_has_qenums_declaration; }
EnumTypeEntry *typeEntry() const { return m_type_entry; }
void setTypeEntry(EnumTypeEntry *entry) { m_type_entry = entry; }
AbstractMetaClass *enclosingClass() const { return m_class; }
void setEnclosingClass(AbstractMetaClass *c) { m_class = c; }
AbstractMetaEnumValueList m_enum_values;
EnumTypeEntry *m_type_entry;
AbstractMetaClass *m_class;
uint m_has_qenums_declaration : 1;
uint m_reserved : 31;
typedef QList<AbstractMetaEnum *> AbstractMetaEnumList;
class AbstractMetaClass : public AbstractMetaAttributes
enum FunctionQueryOption {
Constructors = 0x000001, // Only constructors
//Destructors = 0x000002, // Only destructors. Not included in class.
VirtualFunctions = 0x000004, // Only virtual functions (virtual in both TargetLang and C++)
FinalInTargetLangFunctions = 0x000008, // Only functions that are non-virtual in TargetLang
FinalInCppFunctions = 0x000010, // Only functions that are non-virtual in C++
ClassImplements = 0x000020, // Only functions implemented by the current class
Inconsistent = 0x000040, // Only inconsistent functions (inconsistent virtualness in TargetLang/C++)
StaticFunctions = 0x000080, // Only static functions
Signals = 0x000100, // Only signals
NormalFunctions = 0x000200, // Only functions that aren't signals
Visible = 0x000400, // Only public and protected functions
ForcedShellFunctions = 0x000800, // Only functions that are overridden to be implemented in the shell class
WasPublic = 0x001000, // Only functions that were originally public
WasProtected = 0x002000, // Only functions that were originally protected
NonStaticFunctions = 0x004000, // No static functions
Empty = 0x008000, // Empty overrides of abstract functions
Invisible = 0x010000, // Only private functions
VirtualInCppFunctions = 0x020000, // Only functions that are virtual in C++
NonEmptyFunctions = 0x040000, // Only functions with JNI implementations
VirtualInTargetLangFunctions = 0x080000, // Only functions which are virtual in TargetLang
AbstractFunctions = 0x100000, // Only abstract functions
WasVisible = 0x200000, // Only functions that were public or protected in the original code
NotRemovedFromTargetLang = 0x400000, // Only functions that have not been removed from TargetLang
NotRemovedFromShell = 0x800000, // Only functions that have not been removed from the shell class
VirtualSlots = 0x1000000 // Only functions that are set as virtual slots in the type system
: m_namespace(false),
virtual ~AbstractMetaClass();
AbstractMetaClass *extractInterface();
void fixFunctions();
AbstractMetaFunctionList functions() const { return m_functions; }
void setFunctions(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &functions);
void addFunction(AbstractMetaFunction *function);
bool hasFunction(const AbstractMetaFunction *f) const;
bool hasFunction(const QString &str) const;
bool hasSignal(const AbstractMetaFunction *f) const;
bool hasConstructors() const;
void addDefaultConstructor();
bool hasNonPrivateConstructor() const { return m_has_nonprivateconstructor; }
void setHasNonPrivateConstructor(bool on) { m_has_nonprivateconstructor = on; }
bool hasPublicDestructor() const { return m_has_public_destructor; }
void setHasPublicDestructor(bool on) { m_has_public_destructor = on; }
AbstractMetaFunctionList queryFunctionsByName(const QString &name) const;
AbstractMetaFunctionList queryFunctions(uint query) const;
inline AbstractMetaFunctionList allVirtualFunctions() const;
inline AbstractMetaFunctionList allFinalFunctions() const;
AbstractMetaFunctionList functionsInTargetLang() const;
AbstractMetaFunctionList functionsInShellClass() const;
inline AbstractMetaFunctionList cppInconsistentFunctions() const;
inline AbstractMetaFunctionList cppSignalFunctions() const;
AbstractMetaFunctionList publicOverrideFunctions() const;
AbstractMetaFunctionList virtualOverrideFunctions() const;
AbstractMetaFunctionList virtualFunctions() const;
AbstractMetaFunctionList nonVirtualShellFunctions() const;
AbstractMetaFieldList fields() const { return m_fields; }
void setFields(const AbstractMetaFieldList &fields) { m_fields = fields; }
void addField(AbstractMetaField *field) { m_fields << field; }
AbstractMetaEnumList enums() const { return m_enums; }
void setEnums(const AbstractMetaEnumList &enums) { m_enums = enums; }
void addEnum(AbstractMetaEnum *e) { m_enums << e; }
AbstractMetaEnum *findEnum(const QString &enumName);
AbstractMetaEnum *findEnumForValue(const QString &enumName);
AbstractMetaEnumValue *findEnumValue(const QString &enumName, AbstractMetaEnum *meta_enum);
AbstractMetaClassList interfaces() const { return m_interfaces; }
void addInterface(AbstractMetaClass *interface);
void setInterfaces(const AbstractMetaClassList &interface);
QString fullName() const { return package() + "." + name(); }
QString name() const;
QString baseClassName() const { return m_base_class ? m_base_class->name() : QString(); }
AbstractMetaClass *baseClass() const { return m_base_class; }
void setBaseClass(AbstractMetaClass *base_class) { m_base_class = base_class; }
const AbstractMetaClass *enclosingClass() const { return m_enclosing_class; }
void setEnclosingClass(AbstractMetaClass *cl) { m_enclosing_class = cl; }
QString package() const { return m_type_entry->javaPackage(); }
bool isInterface() const { return m_type_entry->isInterface(); }
bool isNamespace() const { return m_type_entry->isNamespace(); }
bool isQObject() const { return m_type_entry->isQObject(); }
bool isQtNamespace() const { return isNamespace() && name() == "Qt"; }
QString qualifiedCppName() const { return m_type_entry->qualifiedCppName(); }
bool hasInconsistentFunctions() const;
bool hasSignals() const;
bool inheritsFrom(const AbstractMetaClass *other) const;
void setForceShellClass(bool on) { m_force_shell_class = on; }
bool generateShellClass() const;
bool hasVirtualSlots() const { return m_has_virtual_slots; }
bool hasVirtualFunctions() const { return !isFinal() && m_has_virtuals; }
bool hasProtectedFunctions() const;
QList<TypeEntry *> templateArguments() const { return m_template_args; }
void setTemplateArguments(const QList<TypeEntry *> &args) { m_template_args = args; }
bool hasFieldAccessors() const;
// only valid during metajavabuilder's run
QStringList baseClassNames() const { return m_base_class_names; }
void setBaseClassNames(const QStringList &names) { m_base_class_names = names; }
AbstractMetaClass *primaryInterfaceImplementor() const { return m_primary_interface_implementor; }
void setPrimaryInterfaceImplementor(AbstractMetaClass *cl) { m_primary_interface_implementor = cl; }
const ComplexTypeEntry *typeEntry() const { return m_type_entry; }
ComplexTypeEntry *typeEntry() { return m_type_entry; }
void setTypeEntry(ComplexTypeEntry *type) { m_type_entry = type; }
void setHasHashFunction(bool on) { m_has_hash_function = on; }
bool hasHashFunction() const { return m_has_hash_function; }
void setToStringCapability(FunctionModelItem fun) { m_qDebug_stream_function= fun; }
FunctionModelItem hasToStringCapability() const { return m_qDebug_stream_function; }
virtual bool hasDefaultToStringFunction() const;
void setHasEqualsOperator(bool on) { m_has_equals_operator = on; }
bool hasEqualsOperator() const { return m_has_equals_operator; }
void setHasCloneOperator(bool on) { m_has_clone_operator = on; }
bool hasCloneOperator() const { return m_has_clone_operator; }
void addPropertySpec(QPropertySpec *spec) { m_property_specs << spec; }
QList<QPropertySpec *> propertySpecs() const { return m_property_specs; }
QPropertySpec *propertySpecForRead(const QString &name) const;
QPropertySpec *propertySpecForWrite(const QString &name) const;
QPropertySpec *propertySpecForReset(const QString &name) const;
QList<ReferenceCount> referenceCounts() const;
void setEqualsFunctions(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &lst) { m_equals_functions = lst; }
AbstractMetaFunctionList equalsFunctions() const { return m_equals_functions; }
void setNotEqualsFunctions(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &lst) { m_nequals_functions = lst; }
AbstractMetaFunctionList notEqualsFunctions() const { return m_nequals_functions; }
void setLessThanFunctions(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &lst) { m_less_than_functions = lst; }
AbstractMetaFunctionList lessThanFunctions() const { return m_less_than_functions; }
void setGreaterThanFunctions(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &lst) { m_greater_than_functions = lst; }
AbstractMetaFunctionList greaterThanFunctions() const { return m_greater_than_functions; }
void setLessThanEqFunctions(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &lst) { m_less_than_eq_functions = lst; }
AbstractMetaFunctionList lessThanEqFunctions() const { return m_less_than_eq_functions; }
void setGreaterThanEqFunctions(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &lst) { m_greater_than_eq_functions = lst; }
AbstractMetaFunctionList greaterThanEqFunctions() const { return m_greater_than_eq_functions; }
void sortFunctions();
const AbstractMetaClass *templateBaseClass() const { return m_template_base_class; }
void setTemplateBaseClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) { m_template_base_class = cls; }
void setTypeAlias(bool typeAlias) { m_is_type_alias = typeAlias; }
bool isTypeAlias() const { return m_is_type_alias; }
uint m_namespace : 1;
uint m_qobject : 1;
uint m_has_virtuals : 1;
uint m_has_nonpublic : 1;
uint m_has_virtual_slots : 1;
uint m_has_nonprivateconstructor : 1;
uint m_functions_fixed : 1;
uint m_has_public_destructor : 1;
uint m_force_shell_class : 1;
uint m_has_hash_function : 1;
uint m_has_equals_operator : 1;
uint m_has_clone_operator :1;
uint m_is_type_alias : 1;
uint m_reserved : 19;
const AbstractMetaClass *m_enclosing_class;
AbstractMetaClass *m_base_class;
const AbstractMetaClass *m_template_base_class;
AbstractMetaFunctionList m_functions;
AbstractMetaFieldList m_fields;
AbstractMetaEnumList m_enums;
AbstractMetaClassList m_interfaces;
AbstractMetaClass *m_extracted_interface;
AbstractMetaClass *m_primary_interface_implementor;
QList<QPropertySpec *> m_property_specs;
AbstractMetaFunctionList m_equals_functions;
AbstractMetaFunctionList m_nequals_functions;
AbstractMetaFunctionList m_less_than_functions;
AbstractMetaFunctionList m_greater_than_functions;
AbstractMetaFunctionList m_less_than_eq_functions;
AbstractMetaFunctionList m_greater_than_eq_functions;
QStringList m_base_class_names;
QList<TypeEntry *> m_template_args;
ComplexTypeEntry *m_type_entry;
FunctionModelItem m_qDebug_stream_function;
class QPropertySpec {
QPropertySpec(const TypeEntry *type)
: m_type(type),
const TypeEntry *type() const { return m_type; }
QString name() const { return m_name; }
void setName(const QString &name) { m_name = name; }
QString read() const { return m_read; }
void setRead(const QString &read) { m_read = read; }
QString write() const { return m_write; }
void setWrite(const QString &write) { m_write = write; }
QString designable() const { return m_designable; }
void setDesignable(const QString &designable) { m_designable = designable; }
QString reset() const { return m_reset; }
void setReset(const QString &reset) { m_reset = reset; }
int index() const { return m_index; }
void setIndex(int index) { m_index = index; }
QString m_name;
QString m_read;
QString m_write;
QString m_designable;
QString m_reset;
const TypeEntry *m_type;
int m_index;
inline AbstractMetaFunctionList AbstractMetaClass::allVirtualFunctions() const
return queryFunctions(VirtualFunctions
| NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
inline AbstractMetaFunctionList AbstractMetaClass::allFinalFunctions() const
return queryFunctions(FinalInTargetLangFunctions
| FinalInCppFunctions
| NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
inline AbstractMetaFunctionList AbstractMetaClass::cppInconsistentFunctions() const
return queryFunctions(Inconsistent
| NormalFunctions
| Visible
| NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
inline AbstractMetaFunctionList AbstractMetaClass::cppSignalFunctions() const
return queryFunctions(Signals
| Visible
| NotRemovedFromTargetLang);