##// END OF EJS Templates
fixed enum handling for static methods calls and added correct support for decorated enum detection...
fixed enum handling for static methods calls and added correct support for decorated enum detection git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/pythonqt/code/trunk@77 ea8d5007-eb21-0410-b261-ccb3ea6e24a9

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/ generator / shellheadergenerator.cpp
** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the Qt Script Generator project on Trolltech Labs.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
** this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
** http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/opensource.html
** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
** review the following information:
** http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/licensing.html or contact the
** sales department at sales@trolltech.com.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
#include "shellheadergenerator.h"
#include "fileout.h"
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <qdebug.h>
QString ShellHeaderGenerator::fileNameForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class) const
return QString("PythonQtWrapper_%1.h").arg(meta_class->name());
void writeQtScriptQtBindingsLicense(QTextStream &stream);
void ShellHeaderGenerator::write(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class)
if (FileOut::license)
QString include_block = "PYTHONQTWRAPPER_" + meta_class->name().toUpper() + "_H";
s << "#ifndef " << include_block << endl
<< "#define " << include_block << endl << endl;
Include inc = meta_class->typeEntry()->include();
ShellGenerator::writeInclude(s, inc);
s << "#include <QObject>" << endl << endl;
s << "#include <PythonQt.h>" << endl << endl;
IncludeList list = meta_class->typeEntry()->extraIncludes();
qSort(list.begin(), list.end());
foreach (const Include &inc, list) {
ShellGenerator::writeInclude(s, inc);
s << endl;
QString pro_file_name = meta_class->package().replace(".", "_") + "/" + meta_class->package().replace(".", "_") + ".pri";
// if (!meta_class->generateShellClass()) {
// s << "#endif" << endl << endl;
// priGenerator->addHeader(pro_file_name, fileNameForClass(meta_class));
// return ;
// }
AbstractMetaFunctionList ctors = meta_class->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::Constructors
| AbstractMetaClass::WasVisible
| AbstractMetaClass::NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
// Shell-------------------------------------------------------------------
if (meta_class->generateShellClass()) {
AbstractMetaFunctionList virtualsForShell = getVirtualFunctionsForShell(meta_class);
s << "class " << shellClassName(meta_class)
<< " : public " << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << endl << "{" << endl;
s << "public:" << endl;
foreach(AbstractMetaFunction* fun, ctors) {
s << " ";
writeFunctionSignature(s, fun, 0,"PythonQtShell_",
Option(IncludeDefaultExpression | OriginalName | ShowStatic | UnderscoreSpaces));
s << ":" << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "(";
QString scriptFunctionName = fun->originalName();
AbstractMetaArgumentList args = fun->arguments();
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) {
if (i > 0)
s << ", ";
s << args.at(i)->argumentName();
s << "),_wrapper(NULL) {};" << endl;
s << endl;
foreach(AbstractMetaFunction* fun, virtualsForShell) {
s << "virtual ";
writeFunctionSignature(s, fun, 0, QString(),
Option(IncludeDefaultExpression | OriginalName | ShowStatic | UnderscoreSpaces));
s << ";" << endl;
s << endl;
s << " PythonQtInstanceWrapper* _wrapper; " << endl;
s << "};" << endl << endl;
// Promoter-------------------------------------------------------------------
AbstractMetaFunctionList promoteFunctions = getProtectedFunctionsThatNeedPromotion(meta_class);
if (!promoteFunctions.isEmpty()) {
s << "class " << promoterClassName(meta_class)
<< " : public " << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << endl << "{ public:" << endl;
foreach(AbstractMetaFunction* fun, promoteFunctions) {
s << "inline ";
writeFunctionSignature(s, fun, 0, "promoted_",
Option(IncludeDefaultExpression | OriginalName | ShowStatic | UnderscoreSpaces));
s << " { ";
QString scriptFunctionName = fun->originalName();
AbstractMetaArgumentList args = fun->arguments();
if (fun->type())
s << "return ";
s << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "::";
s << fun->originalName() << "(";
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) {
if (i > 0)
s << ", ";
s << args.at(i)->argumentName();
s << "); }" << endl;
s << "};" << endl << endl;
// Wrapper-------------------------------------------------------------------
s << "class " << wrapperClassName(meta_class)
<< " : public QObject" << endl
<< "{ Q_OBJECT" << endl;
s << "public:" << endl;
AbstractMetaEnumList enums1 = meta_class->enums();
AbstractMetaEnumList enums;
foreach(AbstractMetaEnum* enum1, enums1) {
// catch gadgets and enums that are not exported on QObjects...
if (enum1->wasPublic() && (!meta_class->isQObject() || !enum1->hasQEnumsDeclaration())) {
enums << enum1;
if (enums.count()) {
s << "Q_ENUMS(";
foreach(AbstractMetaEnum* enum1, enums) {
s << enum1->name() << " ";
s << ")" << endl;
foreach(AbstractMetaEnum* enum1, enums) {
s << "enum " << enum1->name() << "{" << endl;
bool first = true;
foreach(AbstractMetaEnumValue* value, enum1->values()) {
if (first) { first = false; }
else { s << ", "; }
s << " " << value->name() << " = " << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "::" << value->name();
s << "};" << endl;
s << "public slots:" << endl;
if (meta_class->generateShellClass() || !meta_class->isAbstract()) {
bool copyConstructorSeen = false;
bool defaultConstructorSeen = false;
foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *fun, ctors) {
if (!fun->isPublic() || fun->isAbstract()) { continue; }
s << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "* ";
writeFunctionSignature(s, fun, 0, "new_",
Option(IncludeDefaultExpression | OriginalName | ShowStatic));
s << ";" << endl;
if (fun->arguments().size()==1 && meta_class->qualifiedCppName() == fun->arguments().at(0)->type()->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName()) {
copyConstructorSeen = true;
if (fun->arguments().size()==0) {
defaultConstructorSeen = true;
if (meta_class->typeEntry()->isValue()
&& !copyConstructorSeen && defaultConstructorSeen) {
QString className = meta_class->generateShellClass()?shellClassName(meta_class):meta_class->qualifiedCppName();
s << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "* new_" << meta_class->name() << "(const " << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "& other) {" << endl;
s << className << "* a = new " << className << "();" << endl;
s << "*((" << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "*)a) = other;" << endl;
s << "return a; }" << endl;
if (meta_class->hasPublicDestructor() && !meta_class->isNamespace()) {
s << "void delete_" << meta_class->name() << "(" << meta_class->qualifiedCppName() << "* obj) { delete obj; } ";
s << endl;
if (meta_class->name()=="QTreeWidgetItem") {
s << "bool hasOwner(QTreeWidgetItem* theWrappedObject) { return theWrappedObject->treeWidget()!=NULL || theWrappedObject->parent()!=NULL; }" << endl;
} else if (meta_class->name()=="QGraphicsItem") {
s << "bool hasOwner(QGraphicsItem* theWrappedObject) { return theWrappedObject->scene()!=NULL || theWrappedObject->parentItem()!=NULL; }" << endl;
AbstractMetaFunctionList functions = getFunctionsToWrap(meta_class);
foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *function, functions) {
if (!function->isSlot()) {
s << " ";
writeFunctionSignature(s, function, 0, QString(),
Option(FirstArgIsWrappedObject| IncludeDefaultExpression | OriginalName | ShowStatic | UnderscoreSpaces));
s << ";" << endl;
// writeInjectedCode(s, meta_class);
// s << endl << " QScriptValue __qtscript_self;" << endl;
s << "};" << endl << endl
<< "#endif // " << include_block << endl;
if (!ShellGenerator::isBuiltIn(meta_class->name())) {
priGenerator->addHeader(pro_file_name, fileNameForClass(meta_class));
void ShellHeaderGenerator::writeInjectedCode(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *meta_class)
CodeSnipList code_snips = meta_class->typeEntry()->codeSnips();
foreach (const CodeSnip &cs, code_snips) {
if (cs.language == TypeSystem::ShellDeclaration) {
s << cs.code() << endl;