


IP documentation » History » Revision 28

Revision 27 (Jean-Christophe Pellion, 28/02/2014 01:06 PM) → Revision 28/38 (Jean-Christophe Pellion, 28/02/2014 01:07 PM)


 h1. IP Documentation 


 h2. General Purpose 

 h3. Edge Detection 

 EdgeDetection permit to detect the edge of the sin signal. 

 p=. !{width: 20%}edge_detection.png!  

 <pre><code class="vhdl"> 
   COMPONENT lpp_edge_detection 
     PORT ( 
       clk    : IN    STD_LOGIC; 
       rstn : IN    STD_LOGIC; 
       sin    : IN    STD_LOGIC; 
       sout : OUT STD_LOGIC); 

 |_.Signal        |_.Direction      |_.Size    |_.Function                |_. Active     | 
 |clk             |input            |1         |clock domain 1            |rising edge | 
 |rstn            |input            |1         |reset                     |low           | 
 |sin             |input            |1         |signal in                 |              | 
 |sout            |ouput            |1         |signal out                |              | 

 EdgeToLevel permit to transform the positive edge information into a level information. 

 p=. !{width: 20%}edge_to_level.png!  

 <pre><code class="vhdl"> 
   COMPONENT lpp_edge_to_level 
     PORT ( 
       clk    : IN    STD_LOGIC; 
       rstn : IN    STD_LOGIC; 
       sin    : IN    STD_LOGIC; 
       sout : OUT STD_LOGIC); 

 |_.Signal        |_.Direction      |_.Size    |_.Function                |_. Active     | 
 |clk             |input            |1         |clock domain 1            |rising edge | 
 |rstn            |input            |1         |reset                     |low           | 
 |sin             |input            |1         |signal in                 |              | 
 |sout            |ouput            |1         |signal out                |              | 


 h3. Synchronizer 

 Sync_FF permit to synchronize a signal A in the clock domain clk. Normally, A signal should be the output of a FF cloked in an other domain. You shouldtn't have "logic" between the 2 domain. 
 You can configure the number FF use to synchronize (NB_FF_OF_SYNC). This number is depending of the MTBF(Mean Time Between Failure). 

 p=. !{width: 15%}SYNC_FF.png! 

 <pre><code class="vhdl"> 
     GENERIC ( 
     PORT ( 
       clk      : IN    STD_LOGIC; 
       rstn     : IN    STD_LOGIC; 
       A        : IN    STD_LOGIC; 
       A_sync : OUT STD_LOGIC); 

 |_.Parameter     |_.Type           |_.Size    |_.Description           |_.Default     | 
 |NB_FF_OF_SYNC |Integer          |          |Number of FF            |2              | 
 |_.Signal        |_.Direction      |_.Size    |_.Function              |_. Active     | 
 |clk             |input            |1         |clock                   |rising edge | 
 |rstn            |input            |1         |reset                   |low           | 
 |sin             |input            |1         |signal in               |              | 
 |sout            |ouput            |1         |signal synchronized     |              | 


 SYNC_VALID_BIT permit to synchronize a signal of validity from clock domain clk_in to clock domain clk_out. A validity bit is a signal set "high" only one cycle and zero others. To Synchronize this type of signal, a first stage detect the positive edge, a second synchronizes this signal, and a last transform the edge information to a validity bit. 
 You can configure the FF number of the second stage (NB_FF_OF_SYNC). 

 p=. !{width: 20%}SYNC_VALID_BIT.png!  

 <pre><code class="vhdl"> 
     GENERIC ( 
     PORT ( 
       clk_in    : IN    STD_LOGIC; 
       clk_out : IN    STD_LOGIC; 
       rstn      : IN    STD_LOGIC; 
       sin       : IN    STD_LOGIC; 
       sout      : OUT STD_LOGIC); 

 |_.Parameter     |_.Type           |_.Size    |_.Description           |_.Default     | 
 |NB_FF_OF_SYNC |Integer          |          |Number of FF            |2              | 
 |_.Signal        |_.Direction      |_.Size    |_.Function                     |_. Active     | 
 |clk_in          |input            |1         |clock domain 1                 |rising edge | 
 |clk_out         |input            |1         |clock domain 1                 |rising edge | 
 |rstn            |input            |1         |reset                          |low           | 
 |sin             |input            |1         |valid bit clocked in domain 1|              | 
 |sout            |output            |1        |valid bit clocked in domain 2|              | 



 h2. SoC (System On Chip) 

 Leon3_SoC is an IP which integrate all the basic IP for using a Leon3 System. This System is configurable : 
 * activate the DSU, AHB uart, APB UART, IRQ manager and timer manager 
 * activate the FPU and select the type of IP using for (netlist or rtl) 

 You can connect easily external AMBA IP. For example, if you have only one Leon3 and you want to add an AHB Master My_AHB_MST. You set NB_AHB_MASTER to 1 and connect My_AHB_MST_ahbmi signal to the input ahbi_m_ext and My_AHB_MST_ahbmo to ahbo_m_ext(1). 

 |_.Number              |_.NAME       |_.Enable Parameter |_.Address    |_.IRQ| 
 |\5=.AHB Master | 
 | 0 to NCPU-1          |leon3s       |                     ||| 
 | NCPU+NB_AHBMASTER    |ahbuart      |ENABLE_AHB_UART      ||| 
 |\5=.AHB Slave | 
 | 0                    |mctrl        |                     |0x00000000 |       | 
 | 1                    |apbctrl      |                     |0x80000000 |       | 
 | 2                    |dsu3         |ENABLE_DSU           |0x90000000 |0      | 
 |\5=.APB Slave | 
 | 0                    |mctrl        |                     |0x80000000 |       | 
 | 1                    |apbuart      |ENABLE_APB_UART      |0x80000100 |2      | 
 | 2                    |irqmp        |ENABLE_IRQMP         |0x80000200 |       | 
 | 3                    |gptimer      |ENABLE_GPT           |0x80000300 |8      | 
 | 4                    |ahbuart      |ENABLE_APB_UART      |0x80000400 |       | 

 p=. !{width: 40%}leon3_SoC.png! 35%}leon3_SoC.png!  

 <pre><code class="vhdl"> 
   COMPONENT leon3_soc_LPP_JCP 
     GENERIC ( 
       fabtech           : INTEGER; 
       memtech           : INTEGER; 
       padtech           : INTEGER; 
       clktech           : INTEGER; 
       disas             : INTEGER; 
       dbguart           : INTEGER; 
       pclow             : INTEGER; 
       clk_freq          : INTEGER; 
       NB_CPU            : INTEGER; 
       ENABLE_FPU        : INTEGER; 
       FPU_NETLIST       : INTEGER; 
       ENABLE_DSU        : INTEGER; 
       ENABLE_IRQMP      : INTEGER; 
       ENABLE_GPT        : INTEGER; 
       NB_AHB_MASTER     : INTEGER; 
       NB_AHB_SLAVE      : INTEGER; 
       NB_APB_SLAVE      : INTEGER); 
     PORT ( 
       clk          : IN      STD_ULOGIC; 
       rstn         : IN      STD_ULOGIC; 
       errorn       : OUT     STD_ULOGIC; 
       ahbrxd       : IN      STD_ULOGIC; 
       ahbtxd       : OUT     STD_ULOGIC; 
       urxd1        : IN      STD_ULOGIC; 
       utxd1        : OUT     STD_ULOGIC; 
       address      : OUT     STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(19 DOWNTO 0); 
       data         : INOUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0); 
       nSRAM_BE0    : OUT     STD_LOGIC; 
       nSRAM_BE1    : OUT     STD_LOGIC; 
       nSRAM_BE2    : OUT     STD_LOGIC; 
       nSRAM_BE3    : OUT     STD_LOGIC; 
       nSRAM_WE     : OUT     STD_LOGIC; 
       nSRAM_CE     : OUT     STD_LOGIC; 
       nSRAM_OE     : OUT     STD_LOGIC; 
       apbi_ext     : OUT     apb_slv_in_type; 
       apbo_ext     : IN      soc_apb_slv_out_vector(NB_APB_SLAVE-1+5 DOWNTO 5); 
       ahbi_s_ext : OUT     ahb_slv_in_type; 
       ahbo_s_ext : IN      soc_ahb_slv_out_vector(NB_AHB_SLAVE-1+3 DOWNTO 3); 
       ahbi_m_ext : OUT     AHB_Mst_In_Type; 
       ahbo_m_ext : IN      soc_ahb_mst_out_vector(NB_AHB_MASTER-1+NB_CPU DOWNTO NB_CPU)); 

 |_.Parameter       |_.Type         |_.Size    |_.Description           |_.Default     | 
 |fabtech           | INTEGER       |          |Target technologie                        |apa3e         | 
 |memtech           | INTEGER       |          |Memory Target technologie                        |apa3e         | 
 |padtech           | INTEGER       |          |Pad Target technologie                        |inferred      | 
 |clktech           | INTEGER       |          |Clock target technologie                        |inferred      | 
 |disas             | INTEGER       |          |Activate the disassembler    |0             | 
 |dbguart           | INTEGER       |          |Activate debug uart                        |0             | 
 |pclow             | INTEGER       |          |                        |2             | 
 |clk_freq          | INTEGER       |          |Clock input frequency (in kHz)                        |25000         | 
 |NB_CPU            | INTEGER       |          |Number of Leon3                        |1             | 
 |ENABLE_FPU        | INTEGER       |          |Enable the FPU                        |1             | 
 |FPU_NETLIST       | INTEGER       |          |Select the FPU Used (1=> NetList, 0=> RTL)     |1             | 
 |ENABLE_DSU        | INTEGER       |          |Enable the Debug System Unit                        |1             | 
 |ENABLE_AHB_UART | INTEGER       |          |Enable AHB UART                        |1             | 
 |ENABLE_APB_UART | INTEGER       |          |Enable APB UART                        |1             | 
 |ENABLE_IRQMP      | INTEGER       |          |Enable irq manager                        |1             | 
 |ENABLE_GPT        | INTEGER       |          |Enable the timer                        |1             | 
 |NB_AHB_MASTER     | INTEGER       |          |Number of AHB Master outside the SoC                        |0             | 
 |NB_AHB_SLAVE      | INTEGER       |          |Number of AHB Slave outside the SoC                        |0             | 
 |NB_APB_SLAVE      | INTEGER       |          |Number of APB Slave outside the SoC                        |0             | 
 |_.Signal     |_.Direction      |_.Size or Type |_.Function                     |_. Active     | 
 |clk          | input           |1                |clock                          |rising edge | 
 |rstn         | input           |1                |reset                          |low           | 
 |errorn       | output          |1                |leon 3 error signal            |              | 
 |ahbrxd       | input           |1                |AHB uart Rx Signal             |              | 
 |ahbtxd       | output          |1                |AHB uart Tx Signal             |              | 
 |urxd1        | input           |1                |APB uart Rx Signal             |              | 
 |utxd1        | output          |1                |APB uart Tx Signal             |              | 
 |address      | output          |20               |SRam    Address                  |              | 
 |data         | inout           |32               |SRam Data                      |              | 
 |nSRAM_BE0    | output          |1                |SRam bankEnable    0             |              | 
 |nSRAM_BE1    | output          |1                |SRam bankEnable    1             |              | 
 |nSRAM_BE2    | output          |1                |SRam bankEnable    2             |              | 
 |nSRAM_BE3    | output          |1                |SRam bankEnable    3             |              | 
 |nSRAM_WE     | output          |1                |SRam WriteEnable               |              | 
 |nSRAM_CE     | output          |1                |SRam ChipEnable                               |              | 
 |nSRAM_OE     | output          |1                |SRam OutputEnable                               |              | 
 |apbi_ext     | output          |apb_slv_in_type|APB Slave bus input signal                               |              | 
 |apbo_ext     | input           |NB_APB_SLAVE of apb_slv_out_type|APB Slave bus output signal                              |              | 
 |ahbi_s_ext | output          |ahb_slv_in_type|AHB Slave bus input signal                                |              | 
 |ahbo_s_ext | input           |NB_AHB_SLAVE of ahb_slv_out_type |AHB Slave bus output signal                              |              | 
 |ahbi_m_ext | output          |ahb_mst_In_Type|AHB Master bus input signal                               |              | 
 |ahbo_m_ext | input           |NB_AHB_MASTER of ahb_mst_out_type|AHB Master bus output signal                                |              | 
