


PFM Calibrations » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Alexis Jeandet, 29/03/2016 07:16 PM) → Revision 4/38 (Alexis Jeandet, 29/03/2016 07:16 PM)

h1. PFM Calibrations 


 h2. Transfer Function 

 h3. Transfer Functions @F0  

 For the whole test we will use the following parameters: 
 * LFR mode= Normal Mode 
 * ASM period = 4s 
 * Snapshots period = 22s 
 * Input signal amplitude 3Vp 

 h4. Low Frequencies 

 7 frequencies: from 12Hz to 84Hz with ∆f = 12Hz 
 128 frequencies: from 96Hz to 12288Hz with ∆f = 96Hz 

 # B1 and B2 
 "Result files": 

 # B2 and B3 
 "Result files": 

 # B3 and BIAS1 
 "Result files": 

 # BIAS1 and BIAS2 
 "Result files": 

 # BIAS2 and BIAS3 
 "Result files": 

 # BIAS1 and BIAS4 
 "Result files": 

 # BIAS4 and BIAS5 
 "Result files": 

 #    B1, B2,    B3, BIAS1, BIAS2 (φ = 90°), BIAS3 (φ = 90°) 	
 BIAS Work = 1 
 R0=R1=R2 = 1 
 SP0=SP1 = 1 
 "Result files":