Linux setup

Please note that SocExplorer is still under development, so things are supposed to move, it can fail to build sometimes or be buggy. Feel free to send us some bug reports!

Note also that we recently change from Qt4 to Qt5 so all the new SocExplorer code will be written for Qt5.

If you are using Fedora, you can directly install socexplorer from our repository here


All the next steps can be distribution dependent SocExplorer development is done on Fedora 19 and 20, but is should work with any other one, feedback are welcome!

Building SocExplorer

Affected folders are:

Now you should have a working SocExplorer, you can continue to install plugins or start write your own plugins.

Building SocExplorer LPP's Plugins

If you are here it assume that you have an updated and working version of SocExplorer.
To get LPP's SocExplorer plugins you can either clone or download them from here":

Then first you should build only the plugins you plan to use, for example the SpaceWire plugin rely on STAR-Dundee usb driver which isn't free so if you don't have it you can't build it. To disable a plugin you have to edit the top qmake project file "" and remove the plugin folder name inside or comment it. As example if we want to disable the SpwPlugin and the memcheckplugin:

The file was initially:

TEMPLATE = subdirs
CONFIG   += ordered

    ahbuartplugin \
    ambaplugin \
    dsu3plugin \
    genericrwplugin \
    memctrlrplugin \

unix:SUBDIRS +=  spwplugin

Then it become:

TEMPLATE = subdirs
CONFIG   += ordered

    ahbuartplugin \
    ambaplugin \
    dsu3plugin \
    genericrwplugin \