Developers links » History » Revision 13
Revision 12 (Nicolas Aunai, 26/11/2015 11:02 PM) → Revision 13/23 (Nicolas Aunai, 29/11/2015 09:06 PM)
h1. Useful resources
h2. Database facilities
* "NASA's Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF)":
* "MultiMission Magnetopause Crossing Database":
* "Multi mission Bow Shock Crossing":
h2. CDF File Format
* "NASA CDF Library":
* "NASA CDF Lib documentation":
* "ISTP Standard":
* "Convert from/to non-CDF, CDF": and "conversion tools":
* "CDF tools":
h2. Mission ressources
h3. Cluster
* "Cluster Science Archive":
* "Web Server for the CIS Experiment":
* "PEACE instrument webpage":
* "the Themis mission":
* "Data Retrieval":
h2. Software
h3. Visualization and analysis toolkits
* "CEF library":
* "IRFU-matlab web site":
* "IRFU-matlab library":
* "CLWeb":
* "Tools for Cluster data":
h3. Web Services
* "Web Service Activity News":
* "Web Service Activity Documents": (SOAP, WSDL, etc.)
* **Spacecraft orbits**
** "Satellite Situation Center (SSC) System and Services":
** "SSC webservice": including soap/rest for location/graphics/conjonctions queries
** "":
* **WSDL**
** "SOAPui": support for testing WSDL / SOAP based services;
** "How to test a webservice":
* **database web services**
** "AMDA webservice software":
** "Impex trees": (ccmc, amda, clweb, etc.)
** "impex wsdl methods":
** "Helio/space models, data, services, catalogs":
** "CDAWeb service":
h2. Space Weather
* "Space Weather catalog":
* "EU Space Weather Portal":
h2. Models
h3. CCMC
* "CCMC homepage":
h2. Machine Learning
* "JPL Machine Learning systems":
* "Onboard machine learning classification of images by a cubesat in Earth orbit":