


Wiki » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Nicolas Aunai, 17/10/2015 01:00 PM) → Revision 2/4 (Nicolas Aunai, 17/10/2015 01:17 PM)

h1. Heckle 

 _Heckle_ is a Hybrid plasma simulation code where ions are treated as macropartiles with the [[Particle-In-Cell]] method, and electron fluid momentum equation is used to calculate the magnetic induction equation. It has been developed at "LPP":, with written in C and parallelized with the "MPI": library. 

 h2. Documentation for Users 

 You can read [[heckle_user_guide | the user guide]]. 

 Other ressources :  

 * [[changelog]] 
 * [[heckle_dev | [[heckle_developers l Developers]] 
 * [[HowTos]] 
 * [[machines | Machines Heckle has run on]] 

 h2. Documentation for Developers 

 You can read the [[heckle_dev_doc | developer's guidelines]] 

 Other ressources:  

 * [[extlibraries | External libraries]] 

 h2. Publications 

 * [[publications_reconnection | Magnetic reconnection]] 
 * [[publications_KHI | Kelvin-Helmholtz]] 
 * [[publications_turbulence | Turbulence]] 

 h2. Gallery 

 * [[gallery_reconnection | Magnetic reconnection]] 
 * [[gallery_kineq | Kinetic Equilibria]]