


Heckle user guide » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Nicolas Aunai, 17/10/2015 01:02 PM) → Revision 2/3 (Nicolas Aunai, 17/10/2015 05:07 PM)

h1. Heckle user guide 

 h2. Installation guide 

 * [[install_libdep | Libraries dependancies]] 



 h2. FAQ 

 h3. Domain decomposition 

 * [[userdecomposition | Can I choose the number of MPI rectangular partition along each directions ?]] 
 * [[dynamicbalancing | Does Heckle have dynamic load balancing?]] 

 h3. Memory usage 

 * [[memoryusage | How can I check the memory usage of Heckle ?]] 

 h3. Initial condition models 

 * [[initialmodellist | What are the available initial models for Heckle?]] 
 * [[ implementnewmodel | How do I implement a new initial condition model in Heckle? ]] 

 h3. Boundary conditions 

 h3. Species 

 h3. Diagnostics outputs 

 * [[fieldoutputs#freq | How do I choose the output frequency for the fields?]] 
 * [[fieldoutputs#grid | On which grid are the fields outputs defined?]] 


 h2. Tests 

 * [[PartComms_test | PartComms]] Test of the particle communication module 
 * [[restart_test | Test of the restart ]] 


 h2. Code design 

 Here are documented the different parts of the code, its architecture and the methods that are used. 

 * [[domaindecomposition | Domain Decomposition]] 


 h2. Git Flow 

 Solid line branches must be public, black branches are common to all developers and gray ones are user branches. Dashed lines (topic) may be private. 

 p=. !! 


 h2. Idees en vrac 
 * [[restart | Restart module]]