Index by title

Code review

C++ Gurus

Programming with C++


Here are some references on C++:



Don’t be Afraid of Returning by Value, Know the Return Value Optimization
Copy elision

Smart pointers

Data analysis FAQ

General Data Analysis

Space Plasmas Analysis

General Data Analysis

Which library should I use to handle data series?

You will want to use the python Pandas (check here for Pandas tips) for analyzing your data. It is in particular very well suited for time series analysis and enable you to very easily manipulate dates, missing data, etc.

Is there a library for plotting statistical data?

Seaborn is a Python visualization library based on matplotlib. It provides a high-level interface for drawing attractive statistical graphics. Check here for seaborn tips

Where can I learn machine learning?

Check out this page to find many links on machine learning.

Space Plasmas Data Analysis

How can I open a CDF file?

You should install Spacepy on your machine. Then import the module spacepy.pycdf to load CDF files. Documentation for PYCDF is here

How can I change coordinates systems in planetary systems other than Earth?

We will need to download and load some SPICE kernels (that indicate the position of the satellite, its orientation ...etc) from the NAIF servers.

The SPICE kernels file contents are summarized below:

S- Spacecraft ephemeris, given as a function of time. (SPK)
P- Planet, satellite, comet, or asteroid ephemerides, or more generally, location of any target body, given as a function of time. (also SPK)
The P kernel also logically includes certain physical, dynamical and cartographic constants for target bodies, such as size and shape specifications, and orientation of the spin axis and prime meridian. (PCK)
I- Instrument description kernel, containing descriptive data peculiar to a particular scientific instrument, such as field-of-view size, shape and orientation parameters. (IK)
C- Pointing kernel, containing a transformation, traditionally called the "C-matrix," which provides time-tagged pointing (orientation) angles for a spacecraft bus or a spacecraft structure upon which science instruments are mounted. A C-kernel may also include angular rate data for that structure. (CK)
E- Events kernel, summarizing mission activities - both planned and unanticipated. Events data are contained in the SPICE EK file set, which consists of three components: Science Plans, Sequences, and Notes. (EK)

Some additional data products are also important components of the SPICE system, even if not contained in the "SPICE" acronym.

A "frames kernel" (FK) contains specifications for the assortment of reference frames that are typically used by flight projects. This file also includes mounting alignment information for instruments, antennas and perhaps other structures of interest.

Spacecraft clock (SCLK) and leap seconds (LSK) kernels are also part of SPICE; these are used in converting time tags between various time measurement systems.

Under development is a digital shape model kernel (DSK) for both small, irregularly shaped bodies such as asteroids and comet nuclei, and for large, more uniformly shaped bodies such as the moon, earth and Mars. Other kernel types can be added as requirements arise and time permits.

For more information, please consult the NAIF Homepage

What languages support the SPICE kernels toolkit?



Spiceypy for PYTHON

How can I get the CASSINI spacecraft axes in the SSE (same as KSO) coordinate systems?

We should visit the CASSINI Spacecraft Attitude tool.
We choose the "Time Range", "Time Interval", and SSE Spacecraft Axes (SSE) for the "Attitude Type".

Design Patterns

References and books

C++ Patterns and code tricks

Common tips





Where can I get notebook examples?

check the notebook gallery : Links to the best IPython and Jupyter Notebooks.


What tools to find bugs in C and C++ ?

Use google sanitizers, here is a video that explains what they are and here is the github access.

Read Documentation you will need

Version Control

Machine learning


Numerical simulations

High Performance Computing

General Data Analysis

What is the effect of the different cache on performance?

You can have very good information on CPU caches on this blog page.

What should I know about memory?

There is a very good and complete review on computer memories here. In particular the section 6 is good to know for performance programming.


Pandas is an open source, BSD-licensed library providing high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools for the Python programming language.

Python and virtualenv


Usually with Python you may ear from your colleagues "Hey, you may use package X to do this it's much better than Y and easier" then you discover that package X isn't packaged in your distribution or you install it and it mess up your system. For example Jupyter isn't packaged yet in Fedora and installing it directly with pip may break your already installed version of IPython-3x.
To use last version of your favourite Python tools such as Jupyter notebooks or Pandas on your system without messing up your computer, virtualenv is a solution.
It will allow you to install any python package with pip in an isolated environment so your system will not see your packages until you activate it.
You will be able to have as many virtual environments as you want with different packages and different versions in each environment.


  1. First get virtualenv

On Fedora:

sudo dnf install python*-virtualenv  python-qt5-devel python3-qt5-devel

On Mac OS with port:

sudo port install py35-virtualenv
sudo port install py27-virtualenv

Will install both Python2 and Python3 versions of virtualenv.

  1. Create your environments
sudo mkdir /opt/Py2Venv /opt/Py3Venv
sudo chown -R <yourLogin> /opt/Py2Venv /opt/Py3Venv
virtualenv-2.7 --system-site-packages /opt/Py2Venv
virtualenv-3.4 --system-site-packages /opt/Py3Venv

Now you have two basic virtual environments for Python 2 and 3. Note that you can remove the --system-site-packages flag to tell that you want your environment to ignore system-wide packages it may protect you from some local and global packages incompatibilities. In most cases you may create it with --system-site-packages flag.

  1. Use it

Your environment is ready to play, to use it you have to activate it.

source /opt/Py3Venv/bin/activate

Then it will override your system pip command by your current virtualenv one and all packages installed with pip while your environment is activated will be installed in your environment.
If the activate command worked you may see you shell prompt like this:

(Py3Venv)[adminlpp@pc-instru opt]$ 

Note the (Py3Venv) this says that Py3Venv is activated. To quit/deactivate it just use the command deactivate.

Let's install Pandas, Jupyter, numpy...

(Py3Venv)[adminlpp@pc-instru opt]$ pip install pandas
(Py3Venv)[adminlpp@pc-instru opt]$ pip install jupyter

Note that some python packages depends on system libraries, you may need to install them plus the devel packages


The SOLID principles

S : Separation of concerns principle
O : Open-Closed principle
L : Liskov substitution Principle
I : Interface segregation Principle
D : Dependency Inversion Principle


Useful resources

Random Dev Blogs

A Random Walk Through Geek-Space
I Like Big Bits


Log Structured Merge Trees
Algebraic patterns - Semigroup
A Memory Allocator
LL and LR Parsing Demystified


Falsehoods programmers believe about time
GCC optimizations for embedded software

Python programming

Useful libraries for data science in Python · GitHub
Example Google Style Python Docstrings
Welcome to Bokeh

Jupyter Notebook gallery

Notebook Gallery
A gallery of interesting IPython Notebooks


SciPy 2016: "Data Science is Software" tutorial

C programming

Bit Twiddling Hacks
The Lost Art of C Structure Packing
Memory management in C programs
Const and Optimization in C
You Can't Always Hash Pointers in C
Four Ways to Compile C for Windows

LPP dev guide

Efficient scientific coding

You will find here material to help you get started with your coding. Depending on whether you mostly do data analysis or numerical modeling, you'll need slightly different tools and methods. the advice we give you will help to be efficient, rigorous and to write code than you'll be able to use, maintain and share in the long run. Now remember, If you're a PhD or a post-doc, following these advice will not only help you improving the quality and reproducibility of your science, but also will make all your coding efforts reusable for your future you and by people in the lab once you're gone. More importantly, it will give you the basic knowledge you need to legitimately claim for a data science / computing science position in the private sector.

Now, what are you doing?

Code review and analysis


Code Review for Teams Too Busy to Review Code (youtube video)
Nice tutorial on code review with Rhodecode


CPP Check



Modern C++


Instruction tables

Setting up a clean Python environment

C++ development


These are useful links to check out regularly

PRACE training:

Catalogue of courses:

Formation IDRIS:

Code Design and Architecture

Writing code


Dev Dej games

1 - show me your snippet
2 - explique à ton voisin
3 - montre nous ton blog préféré
4 - pull me quizz
5 - sell me (some features of ) your editor
6 - critic my code
7 - show me a youtube video
8 - optimize my snippet
9 - translate my code
10 - Ze lib of Ze Week