


Wiki » History » Revision 9

Revision 8 (Nicolas Aunai, 27/08/2016 04:48 PM) → Revision 9/19 (Nicolas Aunai, 27/08/2016 04:50 PM)

# LPP dev guide 

 ## Setting up a clean Python environment 

 * [[Python_and_virtualenv| Python and virtualenv]] 

 ## C++ development 

 *    [[cpplanguage| [[hyb-par:Cpp| The C++ language]] 
 * [[hyb-par:Designpatterns| Design Pattern]] in general and in C++ 

 # Code Design and Architecture 

 * [[solidprinciples| The S.O.L.I.D. principles]] 

 ## Writing code 

 * [[codereview| Code review]] 
 * [[Useful_resources| Useful resources]] 

 ## Documentation 

 * [[hyb-par: Documentationtools| Documentation Tools]] 