


Dataanalysiskickstarter » History » Revision 15

Revision 14 (Nicolas Aunai, 24/12/2016 03:11 PM) → Revision 15/28 (Nicolas Aunai, 24/12/2016 05:21 PM)

# Data analysis kickstarter 

 ## General Data Analysis 

 * [Which library should I use to handle data series?](#Which-library-should-I-use-to-handle-data-series) ? 
 * [Is there a library for plotting statistical data?](#Is-there-a-library-for-plotting-statistical-data) ? 



 ## Space Plasmas analysis 

 * How can I open a CDF file? 


 ### Which library should I use to handle data series? 

 You will want to use the python [Pandas]( [[pandas| (check here for Pandas tips)]] for analyzing your data. It is in particular very well suited for time series analysis and enable you to very easily manipulate dates, missing data, etc. 

 ### ## Is there a library for plotting statistical data? 

 [Seaborn]( is a Python visualization library based on matplotlib. It provides a high-level interface for drawing attractive statistical graphics. [[Seaborn| Check here for seaborn tips]]