


Bug #565

Updated by bruno katra almost 9 years ago

1. Test SVS-0006, SVS-0097... in SVS but not in SValR 
 2. Test SVS-0014, SVS-0024 …. in SValR but not in SVS 


 TODO : 

 Modifs à faire dans SValR et SVS : 

 -Test - Test SVS-0014 in SValR but not in SVS : Indeed it appears that template for SVS test cases have an auto-increment macro enabled so when we deleted a test case during documents writing it has shifted several SVS number making SVS-0014 become SVS-0013. It is now fixed ans SVS-0014 is back. It will be available in the next release of the document.- FAIT  

 -Test - Test SVS-0024 …. in SValR but not in SVS: I can see SVS-0024 at page 46 of the pdf.- RIEN A FAIRE 

 - Test SVS-0006 in SVS but not in SValR : 
     Yes, maybe SVS-0006 test case should have been deleted from SVS because it is covered now by others test cases (see comments) : SVS-0059 and 0085. 
     But we kept it in SVS for traceability/history reasons... Maybe a little bit awkward, it will be removed from next releases. 

 - Test SVS-0097 in SVS but not in SValR : 
     Yes indeed, we forgot a requirement in SValR for R2 : SSS-CP-FS-120/REQ-LFR-SRS-5212 which is validated by SVS-0097. It will be fixed in a new release. However, feature has been tested and is OK. 
