Task #436
Updated by Veronique bouzid over 9 years ago
*Liste des requirements à traiter pour la R3* Je ne mets que ceux qui concernent Watchdog management car sur LFR pas de watchdog. Par contre, je n ai analysé que la SSS 3.3, peut etre faut il remonter en 3.0 ..... +EDAC management+ - SSS-CP-FS-470 In case of detection of a not correctable error during instruction fetch (instruction access error), the RPW Flight Software shall performed the actions specified in [RD6] / [RD24]. - SSS-CP-FS-480 In case of detection of a not correctable error during data access (data access exception), depending on the criticality of the data, the RPW Flight Software shall performed the actions specified in [RD6] / [RD24]. +Cache configuration+ - SSS-CP-FS-610 The RPW Flight Software shall explicitly configure the data and instruction caches at startup +Equipment mode management+ - SSS-CP-EQS-326 Upon reception of a TC_xxx_ENTER_MODE(SBM1) / TC_xxx_ENTER_MODE(SBM2) / TC_xxx_ENTER_MODE(NORMAL), the equipment flight software shall not re-initialize the NORMAL data flow if this one was already active. --> déja réalise SVS-0032 SSS-CP-EQS-327 The equipment flight software shall stop to produce science packets as soon as they have sent the acknowledgment packet related to the mode transition to STANDBY. --> facile, il existe deja un script que l on peut adapté +LFR data for S/C potentiel computation+ SSS-CP-EQS-533 The LFR flight software shall report in its periodic HK packet (TM_LFR_HK) the availability of the electric field components sampled at f3. +LFR frequency bins internal masks+ SSS-CP-EQS-527 Upon reception of a TC_LFR_LOAD_FBINS_MASK, the LFR flight software shall be able to update the internal mask used for avoiding some frequency bins in the computation of the basic parameters: − 1 mask f0 , 128 bits = 16 bytes − 1 mask f1 , 16 bytes − 1 mask f2 , 16 bytes SSS-CP-EQS-528 The LFR flight software shall be able to dump in the TM_LFR_PARAMETER_DUMP packet the internal mask of frequency bins. --> adapter le script SCRIPT/R3/just_dump_par.py +LFR inter-calibration factors+ SSS-CP-EQS-529 Upon reception of several TC_LFR_LOAD_KCOEFFICIENTS packets, the LFR flight software shall be able to update the inter-calibration factors (k-coefficients) used for computing the poynting flux and phase velocity estimators: − 32 coefficients (coded on 4 bytes) for 36 frequencies. For uploading all the coefficients (4608 bytes), 36 TC packets are needed. The coefficients are correlated to the distance from the Sun. They have to be updated every 8 to 10 days. The coefficient updating will be updated using the S/C timeline. --> adapter le script SCRIPT/R3/just_stby_and_load_kcoeff.py SSS-CP-EQS-531 Upon reception of a TC_LFR_DUMP_KCOEFFICIENTS packet, the LFR flight software shall be able to dump in two TM_LFR_KCOEFFICENTS_DUMP packets the inter-calibration factors (k- coefficients). --> adapter le script SCRIPT/R3/just_stby_and_dump_kcoeff.py +Software Software User Manual+ Manual SSS-OR-050 Each analyzer flight software shall have its own user manual (SUM) covering the following points: − General description − Initialization phase − Modes and transitions − Housekeeping parameters and reports − Configuration (role of each configuration parameter that can be changed by TC) − Memory map (including physical mapping of SW onto subsystem HW) − Description of the science products (TM packets, auxiliary parameters, ...) − Data rates − Data time-stamping policy − Failures