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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
3014 Whampyr User story Resolved Normal Remplire le Backlog de Whampyr 17/07/2018 10:38 AM Actions
3065 Whampyr User story New Normal choose number of bessel functions in a smart way 17/07/2018 10:45 AM Actions
3064 Whampyr User story New Normal fix bug in contour definition 17/07/2018 10:44 AM Actions
3063 Whampyr User story New Normal whampyr must check that the total charge density is zero 17/07/2018 10:38 AM Actions
3062 Whampyr User story New Normal make bernard package 17/07/2018 10:38 AM Actions
3061 Whampyr User story New Normal fart : becnhmark building a tree from another sub-tree 17/07/2018 10:38 AM Actions
3060 Whampyr User story New Normal check derivatives of hot maxwellian case (notebook) 17/07/2018 10:38 AM Actions
3059 Whampyr User story New Normal notebook on hot maxwellian case 17/07/2018 10:38 AM Actions
3058 Whampyr User story New Normal electrostat module proposes f'/f 17/07/2018 10:38 AM Actions
3056 Whampyr User story New Normal langmuir module proposes f'/f 17/07/2018 10:38 AM Actions
3055 Whampyr User story New Normal user can get a list of ion populations (like electrons()) 17/07/2018 10:38 AM Actions
3054 Whampyr User story New Normal fart can cache Z functions values 17/07/2018 10:38 AM Actions
3053 Whampyr User story New Normal user can delete a population from a plasma 17/07/2018 10:38 AM Actions
3782 VHDLib Bug New Normal Tester les sorties GPIO avec 2 leds connectés Tristan DAPOIGNY 28/02/2021 08:25 PM Actions
850 VHDLib Bug New Urgent [IMPORTANT] amélioration de l'opération de shaping dans le VHDL LFR Jean-Christophe Pellion 02/12/2016 01:09 PM Actions
29 VHDLib Feature New Normal mise à jour LPP IP Core User's Manual Jean-Christophe Pellion 13/12/2013 12:50 PM Actions
18 Solar Orbiter LFR Task Feedback Normal PPBI et programmation des FPGA Vincent Leray 05/01/2015 01:08 PM Actions
470 Solar Orbiter LFR Bug Resolved High Bistream 1.1.85 snapshots non générés Jean-Christophe Pellion 19/07/2015 03:00 PM Actions
240 Solar Orbiter LFR Bug Resolved Normal Liste de problèmes observés sur le LFR FGSE Vincent Leray 04/06/2015 03:32 PM Actions
228 Solar Orbiter LFR Task In Progress Normal DECIMATION Jean-Christophe Pellion 05/06/2015 03:25 PM Actions
20 Solar Orbiter LFR Task In Progress Normal Version de la grlib ft Vincent Leray 04/06/2015 03:45 PM Actions
16 Solar Orbiter LFR Task In Progress Normal Documentation système du module Spectral Matrices" Jean-Christophe Pellion 10/02/2015 04:28 PM Actions
471 Solar Orbiter LFR Bug New High Bistream 1.1.85 issues 22/06/2018 05:08 PM Actions
1746 Solar Orbiter LFR Bug New Normal Requête de modification pour prochaine release FSW : augmenter le taux de commentaires + doxygen paul leroy 07/07/2017 04:13 PM Actions
1378 Solar Orbiter LFR Task New Immediate Test LFR boot Vs Temperature Vs sub_1V5 voltage Alexis Jeandet 12/05/2017 04:29 PM Actions
873 Solar Orbiter LFR Task New Normal Prévoir un test où l'on vérifie la superposition des masques RW + FBINS bruno katra 30/12/2016 04:35 PM Actions
872 Solar Orbiter LFR Support New Normal Comportement lorsque l'on ne masque que 2 bins // Reaction Wheel thomas chust 30/12/2016 04:32 PM Actions
314 Solar Orbiter LFR Test case New Normal signaux tests pour CoreFFT - série 8 (deux cosinus) Jean-Christophe Pellion 18/02/2015 04:47 PM Actions
301 Solar Orbiter LFR Bug New Normal Réception des harnais de tests STAE 19/12/2014 01:23 PM Actions
260 Solar Orbiter LFR Task New High Part Stress Analysis Alexis Jeandet 21/11/2014 09:30 AM Actions
15 Solar Orbiter LFR Task New Normal Taux de remplissage des FIFOs du waveform picker Jean-Christophe Pellion 03/12/2013 10:10 AM Actions
497 SocExplorer Feature In Progress Normal Ajouter une fonction retournant l'etat du cache Alexis Jeandet 18/09/2015 05:13 PM Actions
504 SocExplorer Bug New Normal setInstanceName doesn't changes python context instance name and also in loaded plugin widget 21/09/2015 03:27 PM Actions
503 SocExplorer Bug New Normal closeMe() method doesn't remove plugin from python context. Alexis Jeandet 21/09/2015 03:25 PM Actions
498 SocExplorer Bug New Normal Timecode + timegen en mode router non fonctionnels 18/09/2015 01:35 PM Actions
280 SocExplorer Feature New Normal DSU plugin improvment Alexis Jeandet 12/11/2014 10:06 AM Actions
126 SocExplorer Task New Normal Fill the feature page Alexis Jeandet 23/04/2014 08:42 AM Actions
107 SocExplorer Bug New High SocExplorerPlot python module doesn't work on Windows Alexis Jeandet 30/03/2014 05:42 PM Actions
2460 SciQLOP Task Feedback Normal Augmentation des marges lors du drop d'une variable 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
688 SciQLOP Support Resolved High No way to add a colorbar into an axis object in qtcharts 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
654 SciQLOP Feature Resolved High Horizontal Zoom 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
2129 SciQLOP Bug Resolved High wind acquisition does not work 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
1452 SciQLOP Epic story In Progress Immediate Visualisation d'une variable dans un graphe - Drag And Drop 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
1430 SciQLOP Epic story In Progress Immediate Visualisation d'une graphe dans une zone de visualisation - Drag And Drop 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
1178 SciQLOP Epic story In Progress Immediate Paramétrage temporel 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
1175 SciQLOP Epic story In Progress Immediate Export de données 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
1171 SciQLOP Epic story In Progress Normal Gestion des variables (inspecteur de variables) 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
1170 SciQLOP Epic story In Progress Immediate Actions sur l'arborescence de données 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
1164 SciQLOP Epic story In Progress Immediate Récupération des données (serveurs de données) 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
1160 SciQLOP Epic story In Progress Immediate Zoom et pan sur un graphe 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
1159 SciQLOP Epic story In Progress High Accès aux valeurs des données d'une variable dans un graphe 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
1154 SciQLOP Epic story In Progress Immediate Représentation des spectrogrammes 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
1150 SciQLOP Epic story In Progress Immediate Visualisation des données 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
1755 SciQLOP User story In Progress Urgent Génération de setup Windows & linux 14/02/2019 10:16 AM Actions
1372 SciQLOP User story In Progress Low Récupération des données (serveurs de données) - API Definition 14/02/2019 10:16 AM Actions
1851 SciQLOP Task In Progress Normal Arranger les labels de temps pour plus de précisions 14/02/2019 10:16 AM Actions
1273 SciQLOP Task In Progress Normal Lecture du squelette (API générale) 14/02/2019 10:16 AM Actions
663 SciQLOP Task In Progress Normal Improve filter performance in space data tree 14/02/2019 10:16 AM Actions
1487 SciQLOP User story In Progress Normal Gestion des variables (inspecteur de variables) -affichage 14/02/2019 10:09 AM Actions
1180 SciQLOP User story In Progress Normal Initialisation du projet adminlpp adminlpp 14/02/2019 10:09 AM Actions
1169 SciQLOP User story In Progress Normal Récupération des données (bouchon distant type serveur) 14/02/2019 10:09 AM Actions
1158 SciQLOP User story In Progress Normal Visualisation d'une zone de visualisation dans un onglet 14/02/2019 10:09 AM Actions
1157 SciQLOP User story In Progress Normal Visualisation d'une graphe dans une zone de visualisation 14/02/2019 10:09 AM Actions
2501 SciQLOP User story In Progress Normal Mise en place de tests aléatoires sur l'acquisition 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
2457 SciQLOP User story In Progress Normal Retours sur le drag&drop 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
2451 SciQLOP User story In Progress Normal Correction d'anomalies sur l'acquisition de données 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
2417 SciQLOP User story In Progress Normal Catalogues dynamiques 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
2415 SciQLOP User story In Progress Normal Divers 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
2412 SciQLOP User story In Progress Normal Drag And drop Catalogue 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
2406 SciQLOP User story In Progress Normal Catalogues statiques 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
2233 SciQLOP User story In Progress Normal Affichage d'un spectrogramme 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
2220 SciQLOP User story In Progress Normal Implémentation du Drag and Drop dans la visualisation - Catalogue 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
2187 SciQLOP User story In Progress Normal Méthodes avancées des catalogues 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
2109 SciQLOP Task In Progress Normal MAJ Test fonctionnelles AMDA 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
2108 SciQLOP Task In Progress Normal Test unitaires complémentaires 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
2107 SciQLOP User story In Progress Normal Tests unitaires et fonctionnelles de SciQlop mis projet 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
2080 SciQLOP User story In Progress High Taches provenant du sprint 8 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
2045 SciQLOP Task In Progress High aide spectro Laurent Mirioni 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
2044 SciQLOP Task In Progress Normal spectro notebook Laurent Mirioni 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
2100 SciQLOP User story In Progress Normal Acquisition de données -complement 1 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
2095 SciQLOP User story In Progress Normal Configuration du serveur AMDA 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
2089 SciQLOP Task In Progress Normal Indiquer pour une variable son état d'acquisition 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
2087 SciQLOP User story In Progress Normal Acquisition de données 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
3335 SciQLOP User story New High Re-enable data cache 19/02/2019 10:11 AM Actions
3337 SciQLOP User story New High Display events of selected catalogues on plots 19/02/2019 10:05 AM Actions
3334 SciQLOP User story New High Python Variables/product interface 19/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
3336 SciQLOP User story New High Catalogue import and export 14/02/2019 05:16 PM Actions
3144 SciQLOP Task New Normal Remove variable type inference from metadata "static DataSeriesType findDataSeriesType(const QVariantHash &metadata)" 14/02/2019 10:37 AM Actions
3143 SciQLOP User story New Normal Various code cleaning 14/02/2019 10:37 AM Actions
1576 SciQLOP Epic story New Immediate Remaining action 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
1471 SciQLOP Epic story New Normal Cross compilation windows sous linux 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
1469 SciQLOP Epic story New Urgent Visualisation d'une variable dans un graphe - Catalogue 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
1468 SciQLOP Epic story New Immediate Visualisation d'une graphe dans une zone de visualisation - Catalogue 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
1179 SciQLOP Epic story New High Remontée d'informations utilisateur 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
1177 SciQLOP Epic story New Immediate Mécanisme d'undo/redo 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
1176 SciQLOP Epic story New Immediate Gestion de modes d'utilisateur 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
1174 SciQLOP Epic story New Immediate Gestion d'une session 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
1173 SciQLOP Epic story New Immediate Gestion d'un catalogue 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
1172 SciQLOP Epic story New High Interpréteur Python 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
1168 SciQLOP Epic story New Immediate Récupération des données (bouchon local type arborescence de fichiers) 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
(1-100/551) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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