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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
640 SciQLOP Feature New Normal Feature "Same As" for data time selection 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
504 SocExplorer Bug New Normal setInstanceName doesn't changes python context instance name and also in loaded plugin widget 21/09/2015 03:27 PM Actions
503 SocExplorer Bug New Normal closeMe() method doesn't remove plugin from python context. Alexis Jeandet 21/09/2015 03:25 PM Actions
498 SocExplorer Bug New Normal Timecode + timegen en mode router non fonctionnels 18/09/2015 01:35 PM Actions
492 LFR-FSW Task New Normal Implementation Timing LFR Veronique bouzid 21/09/2015 09:53 AM Actions
474 QLop Feature New Normal Data Download Alexis Jeandet 21/07/2015 01:38 PM Actions
423 QLop Feature New Normal Dump data frequency over time Alexis Jeandet 01/06/2015 06:49 PM Actions
398 LFR-FSW Task New Normal Utilisez le script sur les tests de Gerald Veronique bouzid 25/05/2015 11:08 AM Actions
366 QLop Feature New Normal visualisation de spectrogrammes Alexis Jeandet 11/06/2015 06:04 PM Actions
365 QLop Feature New Normal lecture fichiers CDF 11/06/2015 06:03 PM Actions
314 Solar Orbiter LFR Test case New Normal signaux tests pour CoreFFT - série 8 (deux cosinus) Jean-Christophe Pellion 18/02/2015 04:47 PM Actions
301 Solar Orbiter LFR Bug New Normal Réception des harnais de tests STAE 19/12/2014 01:23 PM Actions
280 SocExplorer Feature New Normal DSU plugin improvment Alexis Jeandet 12/11/2014 10:06 AM Actions
126 SocExplorer Task New Normal Fill the feature page Alexis Jeandet 23/04/2014 08:42 AM Actions
29 VHDLib Feature New Normal mise à jour LPP IP Core User's Manual Jean-Christophe Pellion 13/12/2013 12:50 PM Actions
15 Solar Orbiter LFR Task New Normal Taux de remplissage des FIFOs du waveform picker Jean-Christophe Pellion 03/12/2013 10:10 AM Actions
2 HPC Task New Normal Mise en place de l’éventuel frontal bruno katra 06/11/2013 09:30 PM Actions
3998 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task New High Documenter le code MMS/SCM avec IDLdoc Laurent Mirioni 04/01/2023 12:04 PM Actions
3850 Helioswarm-SCM Task New High Validate BBM board(s) Dominique Alison 20/05/2021 04:17 PM Actions
3814 Helioswarm-SCM Task New High Electronics BBM 30/05/2021 04:53 PM Actions
3813 Helioswarm-SCM Task New High BBM 30/05/2021 04:53 PM Actions
3337 SciQLOP User story New High Display events of selected catalogues on plots 19/02/2019 10:05 AM Actions
3336 SciQLOP User story New High Catalogue import and export 14/02/2019 05:16 PM Actions
3335 SciQLOP User story New High Re-enable data cache 19/02/2019 10:11 AM Actions
3334 SciQLOP User story New High Python Variables/product interface 19/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
(151-175/551) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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