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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1706 SciQLOP Task New High Widget de connexion a AMDA 14/02/2019 10:16 AM Actions
1691 SciQLOP Task New Immediate Ajout d'une variable dans un graphe existant depuis l'arborescence de données (menu) 14/02/2019 10:16 AM Actions
1677 SciQLOP Task New Normal Création d'une zone de visualisation depuis l'arborescence de données (menu) 14/02/2019 10:16 AM Actions
1589 SciQLOP Task New Normal Regarder lcov sous windows 14/02/2019 10:16 AM Actions
1459 SciQLOP Task New Immediate Ajout d'une variable dans un nouveau graphe depuis un catalogue (drag-and-drop) 14/02/2019 10:16 AM Actions
1453 SciQLOP Task New Immediate Ajout d'une variable dans un graphe existant depuis un catalogue (drag-and-drop) 14/02/2019 10:16 AM Actions
1451 SciQLOP Task New Immediate Suppression d'un graphe d'une zone de visualisation 14/02/2019 10:16 AM Actions
1435 SciQLOP Task New Immediate Création d'une zone de visualisation depuis un catalogue (drag-and-drop) 14/02/2019 10:16 AM Actions
1376 SciQLOP Task New Low Acquisition de données (API générale) 14/02/2019 10:16 AM Actions
1340 SciQLOP Task New Immediate Edition par drag-and-drop d'un intervalle de temps d'un catalogue 14/02/2019 10:16 AM Actions
1274 SciQLOP Task New Low Acquisition de données (API générale) 14/02/2019 10:16 AM Actions
704 SciQLOP Task New Normal Readme in QLop soure code 14/02/2019 10:16 AM Actions
674 SciQLOP Task New Normal code comments 14/02/2019 10:16 AM Actions
3337 SciQLOP User story New High Display events of selected catalogues on plots 19/02/2019 10:05 AM Actions
3336 SciQLOP User story New High Catalogue import and export 14/02/2019 05:16 PM Actions
3335 SciQLOP User story New High Re-enable data cache 19/02/2019 10:11 AM Actions
3334 SciQLOP User story New High Python Variables/product interface 19/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
3143 SciQLOP User story New Normal Various code cleaning 14/02/2019 10:37 AM Actions
3065 Whampyr User story New Normal choose number of bessel functions in a smart way 17/07/2018 10:45 AM Actions
3064 Whampyr User story New Normal fix bug in contour definition 17/07/2018 10:44 AM Actions
3063 Whampyr User story New Normal whampyr must check that the total charge density is zero 17/07/2018 10:38 AM Actions
3062 Whampyr User story New Normal make bernard package 17/07/2018 10:38 AM Actions
3061 Whampyr User story New Normal fart : becnhmark building a tree from another sub-tree 17/07/2018 10:38 AM Actions
3060 Whampyr User story New Normal check derivatives of hot maxwellian case (notebook) 17/07/2018 10:38 AM Actions
3059 Whampyr User story New Normal notebook on hot maxwellian case 17/07/2018 10:38 AM Actions
(126-150/551) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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