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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
872 Solar Orbiter LFR Support New Normal Comportement lorsque l'on ne masque que 2 bins // Reaction Wheel thomas chust 30/12/2016 04:32 PM Actions
779 Dev Task New Immediate dev wiki, list, etc Alexis Jeandet 11/10/2016 03:59 PM Actions
3813 Helioswarm-SCM Task New High BBM 30/05/2021 04:53 PM Actions
3814 Helioswarm-SCM Task New High Electronics BBM 30/05/2021 04:53 PM Actions
3850 Helioswarm-SCM Task New High Validate BBM board(s) Dominique Alison 20/05/2021 04:17 PM Actions
2 HPC Task New Normal Mise en place de l’éventuel frontal bruno katra 06/11/2013 09:30 PM Actions
3421 INCLINE - ICP Task New Normal Repair Cl2 mass flow controller Garrett Curley 19/09/2019 01:02 PM Actions
4172 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Adapt the calibration / evaluation code to allow JUICE files Theo Stassen 18/09/2023 02:07 PM Actions
4117 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Adapt the code to have correct visual reprentation of SHCB results Theo Stassen 15/06/2023 06:33 PM Actions
4116 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Adapt the code to use SCHB mode Theo Stassen 15/06/2023 06:30 PM Actions
4133 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Adapt the matlab code for cdf data extraction (JUICE sid7) Theo Stassen 10/07/2023 04:46 PM Actions
4001 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task New Normal Adapter le code IDL d'MMS/SCM à JUICE/SCM Laurent Mirioni 07/12/2022 07:44 AM Actions
4230 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Add a check if we don't find cdfs in the time limits and stop the execution Theo Stassen 21/11/2023 06:51 PM Actions
4265 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Add a system that allows to handle data without the need to compute their spectra Theo Stassen 19/01/2024 07:00 PM Actions
4171 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Add buttons to change the content struct Theo Stassen 18/09/2023 02:02 PM Actions
4260 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Add documentation handle in pre commit hooks Theo Stassen 12/01/2024 06:45 PM Actions
4120 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Add documentation on all code parameters Theo Stassen 19/06/2023 05:45 PM Actions
4112 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Add freq samp deducing function in deduce parameters Theo Stassen 09/06/2023 06:41 PM Actions
4262 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Add multiple pytests (init, extract, display) Theo Stassen 12/01/2024 06:46 PM Actions
4287 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Add of some modularisation in parameters Theo Stassen 23/02/2024 06:51 PM Actions
4149 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Add systematical logs for each steps (with error excepts, errors, warnings, infos) in calibration part Theo Stassen 21/07/2023 06:51 PM Actions
4154 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Add systematical logs for each steps (with error excepts, errors, warnings, infos) in evaluation part and the rest Theo Stassen 28/07/2023 07:00 PM Actions
4347 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Add the temperature waveform to plot_data, as part of the default quicklook plot Theo Stassen 08/04/2024 04:49 PM Actions
4226 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Advances in the comparison between Matlab and python results Theo Stassen 17/11/2023 06:54 PM Actions
4110 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Analyse fichiers L1A JUICE Theo Stassen 08/06/2023 10:36 AM Actions
(76-100/551) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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