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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
4045 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Reorganise the code to have all config/metadatas in one csv file, called by the unit tests Theo Stassen 14/03/2023 05:49 PM Actions
4044 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Create unit test for corgain (ant, dfb, bessel) Theo Stassen 14/03/2023 05:49 PM Actions
4043 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Create the complete Kernel Theo Stassen 15/03/2023 04:05 PM Actions
4041 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Unit test Antenna filter Theo Stassen 02/03/2023 10:32 AM Actions
4040 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Unit test DFB Theo Stassen 24/02/2023 05:48 PM Actions
4039 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Unit test Bessel filter Theo Stassen 24/02/2023 05:46 PM Actions
4038 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Discover units test python methods and Create Unit tests of the kernel Theo Stassen 15/03/2023 12:48 PM Actions
4037 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Bandpass filter Theo Stassen 24/02/2023 05:42 PM Actions
4033 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Fourier transform (and inverse transform) function Theo Stassen 14/03/2023 05:49 PM Actions
4032 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Antenna response function Theo Stassen 02/03/2023 10:31 AM Actions
4031 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal DFB filter Theo Stassen 16/02/2023 05:38 PM Actions
4030 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Bessel filter Theo Stassen 15/02/2023 04:57 PM Actions
4029 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task In Progress Normal Extract and export cdf file Theo Stassen 15/02/2023 04:54 PM Actions
4028 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Create Kernel in python Theo Stassen 02/03/2023 10:35 AM Actions
4024 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task New Normal Première version calibration python Theo Stassen 28/07/2023 07:02 PM Actions
4075 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Support Resolved Normal Obtain good result in the comparison of Reference/IDL/python waveforms 26/04/2023 04:24 PM Actions
4505 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Support New Normal Holidays Théo Theo Stassen 02/12/2024 03:00 PM Actions
4207 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Support Resolved Normal New tries concerning the differences between python and matlab results Theo Stassen 27/10/2023 05:43 PM Actions
4197 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Support Resolved Normal Research with laurent about the difference of code results and experimentations Theo Stassen 17/10/2023 04:50 PM Actions
4084 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Support Resolved Normal Investigate why results are in general better for antenna x than y and z Theo Stassen 05/05/2023 06:37 PM Actions
4082 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Support Resolved Normal Find why the computed spectrum is very different of ref, only for antenna y and z, probably a bug Theo Stassen 05/05/2023 06:32 PM Actions
4329 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Feature Resolved Normal Implement a logging code levels system Theo Stassen 21/03/2024 02:58 PM Actions
4236 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Feature Resolved Normal Modify the data extraction method to allow the extract of completely different cdfs (temp for ex) Theo Stassen 28/11/2023 06:58 PM Actions
4083 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Feature Resolved Normal Make documentation of all important implemented functions (concerning spectra and waveform manipulation) Theo Stassen 05/05/2023 06:35 PM Actions
4080 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Feature Resolved Normal Write installation notice Theo Stassen 26/04/2023 05:46 PM Actions
(501-525/551) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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