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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1314 SciQLOP User story New Urgent Suppression des catalogues et des étiquettes 14/02/2019 10:09 AM Actions
2482 SciQLOP Task New Normal Suppression d’évènement 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
2440 SciQLOP Task New Normal Suppression d’un Evènement 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
2497 SciQLOP Task New Normal Suppression d’un Evènement 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
518 LFR-FSW Bug Feedback High synchronisation F3-F2-F1-F0 thomas chust 07/10/2015 12:10 PM Actions
2080 SciQLOP User story In Progress High Taches provenant du sprint 8 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
4139 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Take the python code of David Pisa instead of Matlab code Theo Stassen 10/07/2023 04:52 PM Actions
15 Solar Orbiter LFR Task New Normal Taux de remplissage des FIFOs du waveform picker Jean-Christophe Pellion 03/12/2013 10:10 AM Actions
250 LFR-FSW Bug Feedback Normal temps des ASM pas bien défini thomas chust 15/06/2015 08:41 AM Actions
2373 SciQLOP Bug New Normal terminating with uncaught exception of type std::out_of_range: unordered_map::at: key not found 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
3075 LPP_BOARDS Bug New Normal test 09/08/2018 06:56 PM Actions
3985 LFR-FSW Task Feedback Normal Test du chargement forcé des KCOEFF par défaut : écrasement des KCOEFF à bord Alexis Jeandet 16/11/2022 05:16 PM Actions
2110 SciQLOP Task New Normal Test fonctionnelles AMDA aléatoire 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
2047 SciQLOP Task New Normal test import/export VOtable Laurent Mirioni 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
1378 Solar Orbiter LFR Task New Immediate Test LFR boot Vs Temperature Vs sub_1V5 voltage Alexis Jeandet 12/05/2017 04:29 PM Actions
4283 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Test the different SID, gather infos from the test, and cross infos with LFR manual Theo Stassen 09/02/2024 06:51 PM Actions
4344 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Test the extract of temperatures data Theo Stassen 08/04/2024 04:32 PM Actions
2108 SciQLOP Task In Progress Normal Test unitaires complémentaires 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
3782 VHDLib Bug New Normal Tester les sorties GPIO avec 2 leds connectés Tristan DAPOIGNY 28/02/2021 08:25 PM Actions
2106 SciQLOP Epic story New Normal Tests unitaires et fonctionnelles de SciQlop 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
2107 SciQLOP User story In Progress Normal Tests unitaires et fonctionnelles de SciQlop mis projet 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
4188 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Bug In Progress Normal The problem with JUICE results is not resolved Theo Stassen 06/10/2023 06:16 PM Actions
498 SocExplorer Bug New Normal Timecode + timegen en mode router non fonctionnels 18/09/2015 01:35 PM Actions
1303 SciQLOP User story New Normal Traitement des produits virtuels 14/02/2019 10:09 AM Actions
4059 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Trapezoid window creation Theo Stassen 15/03/2023 04:31 PM Actions
(476-500/551) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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