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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
4287 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Add of some modularisation in parameters Theo Stassen 23/02/2024 06:51 PM Actions
4149 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Add systematical logs for each steps (with error excepts, errors, warnings, infos) in calibration part Theo Stassen 21/07/2023 06:51 PM Actions
4154 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Add systematical logs for each steps (with error excepts, errors, warnings, infos) in evaluation part and the rest Theo Stassen 28/07/2023 07:00 PM Actions
4347 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Add the temperature waveform to plot_data, as part of the default quicklook plot Theo Stassen 08/04/2024 04:49 PM Actions
4226 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Advances in the comparison between Matlab and python results Theo Stassen 17/11/2023 06:54 PM Actions
4110 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Analyse fichiers L1A JUICE Theo Stassen 08/06/2023 10:36 AM Actions
4365 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Annual Report writing Theo Stassen 23/04/2024 03:24 PM Actions
4032 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Antenna response function Theo Stassen 02/03/2023 10:31 AM Actions
4037 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Bandpass filter Theo Stassen 24/02/2023 05:42 PM Actions
4364 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Benchmarking of the code execution for really big files Theo Stassen 23/04/2024 03:22 PM Actions
4030 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Bessel filter Theo Stassen 15/02/2023 04:57 PM Actions
4244 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Bug solving for spectrum computation problems Theo Stassen 06/12/2023 02:20 PM Actions
4285 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Bug Resolved Normal Bug with MMS files now that the code has been changed a lot Theo Stassen 09/02/2024 06:55 PM Actions
4245 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Change the code from pyenv environnement to poetry environment Theo Stassen 06/12/2023 02:23 PM Actions
4308 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Change the way the datetimes are corrected Theo Stassen 23/02/2024 06:55 PM Actions
4055 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Check real/imag parts Theo Stassen 15/03/2023 04:27 PM Actions
4307 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Clean and simplify the config files Theo Stassen 23/02/2024 06:54 PM Actions
4187 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Code Analysis / Investigation / Tests / Experiments in order to have same spectra densities results than matlab code Theo Stassen 06/10/2023 06:15 PM Actions
4181 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Code reorganisation to have scripts separately + debuging Theo Stassen 29/09/2023 06:47 PM Actions
4346 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Complete reshape of the method to give and prepare data for plot data Theo Stassen 08/04/2024 04:43 PM Actions
4088 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Completely change ConfigHandler functioning Theo Stassen 16/05/2023 03:40 PM Actions
4102 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Config Handler and config files modifications / improvements Theo Stassen 30/05/2023 11:35 AM Actions
4089 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task In Progress Normal ConfigHandler modularity implementation Theo Stassen 17/05/2023 05:03 PM Actions
4062 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Correct the documentation strings warnings and pylint errors (if possible) Theo Stassen 17/03/2023 05:49 PM Actions
4057 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Coscub window creation Theo Stassen 15/03/2023 04:30 PM Actions
(26-50/551) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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