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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1755 SciQLOP User story In Progress Urgent Génération de setup Windows & linux 14/02/2019 10:16 AM Actions
1173 SciQLOP Epic story New Immediate Gestion d'un catalogue 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
1174 SciQLOP Epic story New Immediate Gestion d'une session 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
1946 SciQLOP User story New Normal Gestion de l'échec d'une acquisition 14/02/2019 10:06 AM Actions
1176 SciQLOP Epic story New Immediate Gestion de modes d'utilisateur 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
1240 SciQLOP User story New Normal Gestion des données manquantes 14/02/2019 10:09 AM Actions
1343 SciQLOP User story New Normal Gestion des téléchargements de données 14/02/2019 10:09 AM Actions
1171 SciQLOP Epic story In Progress Normal Gestion des variables (inspecteur de variables) 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
1487 SciQLOP User story In Progress Normal Gestion des variables (inspecteur de variables) -affichage 14/02/2019 10:09 AM Actions
1162 SciQLOP Epic story New Immediate Gestion du style d'un graphe 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
494 LFR-FSW Support Feedback Normal Gestion timecode Veronique bouzid 18/09/2015 02:01 PM Actions
4091 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Global attributes and cdf name gestion Theo Stassen 16/05/2023 04:27 PM Actions
4054 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Hanning window creation Theo Stassen 15/03/2023 04:24 PM Actions
4505 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Support New Normal Holidays Théo Theo Stassen 02/12/2024 03:00 PM Actions
654 SciQLOP Feature Resolved High Horizontal Zoom 14/02/2019 10:29 AM Actions
2117 SciQLOP Task New Normal Identifier un trou de donnée 14/02/2019 09:59 AM Actions
4130 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Implement a first bash script, with auto venv use Theo Stassen 03/07/2023 04:49 PM Actions
4329 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Feature Resolved Normal Implement a logging code levels system Theo Stassen 21/03/2024 02:58 PM Actions
4078 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Implement a simple spectrogram plot Theo Stassen 26/04/2023 05:42 PM Actions
4065 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Implement blk_con IDL function Theo Stassen 31/03/2023 06:03 PM Actions
4070 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Implement function that compare two l1b cdf file data Theo Stassen 11/04/2023 03:09 PM Actions
4077 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Implement function that compute the spectrogram of a waveform Theo Stassen 26/04/2023 05:41 PM Actions
4066 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Implement graphical comparison between idl and python calibration Theo Stassen 31/03/2023 06:03 PM Actions
4095 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal Implement system of class extends for kernel creation and deduce_parameters Theo Stassen 17/05/2023 05:08 PM Actions
4211 JUICE-SCM/Ground Segment Task Resolved Normal implement system to check the version of cdf files and take the chosen version of cdfs when doing time extract Theo Stassen 06/11/2023 11:59 AM Actions
(251-275/551) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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