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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
634 LFR-FSW Support Closed Urgent SEction HK_LFR_STATUS_WORD in TM_LFR_HK paul leroy 26/02/2016 11:35 AM Actions
629 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal Lost TM_LFR_HK with timegen paul leroy 17/02/2016 12:30 PM Actions
618 LFR-FSW Task Closed High Long test with SBM1 and SBM2 FSW paul leroy 02/03/2016 02:45 PM Actions
545 LFR-FSW Support Closed Normal Send TIMECODE without TC_LFR_UPDATE_TIME after SYNCHRONISATION paul leroy 02/11/2015 11:18 AM Actions
535 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Urgent Field HK_LFR_LAST_EXE_TC_SUBTYPE incorrect if aTC_LFR_LOAD_FBINS_MASK has been sent paul leroy 05/10/2015 01:23 PM Actions
184 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal [JIRA] (RPWMEB-282) Generation period of TM_LFR_SCIENCE_NORMAL_CWF_F3 packets paul leroy 17/09/2014 05:21 PM Actions
182 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Immediate [JIRA] (RPWMEB-283) The content of the PA_LFR_ACQUISITION_TIME parameter of LFR science packets is wrong] paul leroy 03/03/2015 12:32 PM Actions
176 LFR-FSW Bug Closed High EM : 2 reponses suite à Envoi TC_LFR_LOAD_*_PARAM ds le mode courant (BURST, SBM1,SBM2) paul leroy 23/06/2014 02:05 PM Actions
3266 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal Mise à jour Verification report bruno katra 13/12/2018 02:58 PM Actions
3242 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal Mise à jour matrice bruno katra 13/12/2018 03:21 PM Actions
3241 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal Mise à jour Validation Report bruno katra 13/12/2018 03:22 PM Actions
3240 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal Mise à jour SVS bruno katra 13/12/2018 03:22 PM Actions
3239 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal Mise a jour SRS bruno katra 13/12/2018 03:23 PM Actions
3221 LFR-FSW Feature Closed Normal Test Watchdog bruno katra 17/12/2018 02:01 PM Actions
3190 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal Suppression TM_LFR_EXE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED bruno katra 17/12/2018 04:16 PM Actions
3188 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal TC_LFR trop courte ( < CCSDS_TC_PKT_MIN_SIZE ) bruno katra 18/12/2018 12:12 PM Actions
3145 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal Mise à jour SRS bruno katra 17/12/2018 03:42 PM Actions
1096 LFR-FSW Task Closed High Mise a jour document de calibration bruno katra 05/05/2017 05:43 PM Actions
1085 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal PA_RPW_BYTE_POSITION wrong into a TM_LFR_TC_EXE_INCONSISTENT on TC_LFR_LOAD_FILTER_PAR bruno katra 13/12/2018 02:20 PM Actions
1084 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal PA_RPW_BYTE_POSITION wrong into a TM_LFR_TC_EXE_INCONSISTENT on TC_LFR_LOAD_KCOEFFICIENTS bruno katra 13/12/2018 02:20 PM Actions
979 LFR-FSW Support Closed Normal Mise à jour SRS et SVS et UM bruno katra 22/06/2018 05:15 PM Actions
955 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal HK_LFR_SC_V_F3 , HK_LFR_SC_E1_F3, HK_LFR_SC_E2_F3 have amazing values when a TC_LFR_ENTER_MODE is executed bruno katra 12/05/2017 10:39 AM Actions
868 LFR-FSW Support Closed High Question sur merge_fbins_masks bruno katra 22/03/2017 02:57 PM Actions
626 LFR-FSW Support Closed Low Lost TM_LFR_HK in bruno katra 17/02/2016 01:42 PM Actions
612 LFR-FSW Task Closed High Long Test in normal mode bruno katra 10/02/2016 05:38 PM Actions
(126-150/171) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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