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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
306 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal TC_LFR_RESET plante le logiciel de vol Veronique bouzid 12/02/2015 09:44 AM Actions
498 SocExplorer Bug New Normal Timecode + timegen en mode router non fonctionnels 18/09/2015 01:35 PM Actions
381 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal Timing HK erroné sur certains tests de charge Veronique bouzid 26/02/2016 03:13 PM Actions
152 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal TM_LFR_SCIENCE_NORMAL_BP1 (F0,F1): Champ SPARE et PA_LFR_N_BP1_NR_F(0,1) non renseignés Veronique bouzid 10/06/2014 06:10 PM Actions
592 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal doesn't perform SBM1_BP2_F0 Veronique bouzid 26/01/2016 09:08 AM Actions
484 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal WRONG SEQUENCE_CNT on PACKET_ID=0xccc with ASM=BP1=4s Veronique bouzid 02/10/2015 12:42 PM Actions
514 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal [JIRA] (RPWMEB-276) The cause of the reset is not updated in TM_LFR_HK Veronique bouzid 01/10/2015 03:33 PM Actions
184 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal [JIRA] (RPWMEB-282) Generation period of TM_LFR_SCIENCE_NORMAL_CWF_F3 packets paul leroy 17/09/2014 05:21 PM Actions
515 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal [JIRA] (RPWMEB-465) Status of HK_LFR_SC_POTENTIAL_FLAG in TM_LFR_HK Veronique bouzid 23/10/2015 04:09 PM Actions
185 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal [JIRA] RPWMEB-275 The timecode tickout counter and the last timecode value are not updated in TM_LFR_HK Veronique bouzid 10/03/2015 01:28 PM Actions
612 LFR-FSW Task Closed High Long Test in normal mode bruno katra 10/02/2016 05:38 PM Actions
618 LFR-FSW Task Closed High Long test with SBM1 and SBM2 FSW paul leroy 02/03/2016 02:45 PM Actions
1096 LFR-FSW Task Closed High Mise a jour document de calibration bruno katra 05/05/2017 05:43 PM Actions
956 LFR-FSW Support Closed High Documenter le mecanisme associé à SSS-CP-EQS-526 Alexis Jeandet 01/04/2019 12:03 PM Actions
868 LFR-FSW Support Closed High Question sur merge_fbins_masks bruno katra 22/03/2017 02:57 PM Actions
649 LFR-FSW Bug Closed High CCSDS_TC_PKT_MAX_SIZE wrong: detection of a TC with wrong length Veronique bouzid 17/01/2017 04:30 PM Actions
362 LFR-FSW Bug Closed High CWF_F3 : Champ PA_LFR_ACQUISITION_TIME=0x000000000000 bruno katra 27/01/2017 02:31 PM Actions
176 LFR-FSW Bug Closed High EM : 2 reponses suite à Envoi TC_LFR_LOAD_*_PARAM ds le mode courant (BURST, SBM1,SBM2) paul leroy 23/06/2014 02:05 PM Actions
1005 LFR-FSW Bug Closed High HK_LFR_SC_V_F3 , HK_LFR_SC_E1_F3 , HK_LFR_SC_E2_F3 see a differentnoise signal paul leroy 27/03/2017 03:56 PM Actions
972 LFR-FSW Bug Closed High Negative Parameters send into TC_LFR_LOAD_FILTER_PAR not rejected Veronique bouzid 17/03/2017 06:11 PM Actions
604 LFR-FSW Bug Closed High Nominal : TC_LFR_UPDATE_TIME + Time-code does'n t work Veronique bouzid 22/02/2016 10:27 AM Actions
186 LFR-FSW Bug Closed High Probleme timing sur les Basic Parameters Veronique bouzid 21/01/2016 01:23 PM Actions
430 LFR-FSW Bug Closed High R2:** EQM Transition à une date donnée ne fonctionne pas Veronique bouzid 09/06/2015 11:42 AM Actions
703 LFR-FSW Bug Closed High R3+ : HK_LFR_LE_CNT is wrong for each HK after the first one Veronique bouzid 17/01/2017 03:37 PM Actions
4026 LFR-FSW Task Closed Urgent Analyse GCOV Alexis Jeandet 28/03/2023 02:02 PM Actions
(126-150/171) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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