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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
453 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal R3 *** TC_LFR_UPDATE_INFO ne fonctionne plus avec Veronique bouzid 01/07/2015 11:44 AM Actions
450 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal SSS-CP-EQS-526 non conforme par rapport à ICD >= 3.3 Veronique bouzid 10/03/2016 03:42 PM Actions
437 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal R3 *** Adaptation TC_LFR_UPDATE_INFO Veronique bouzid 06/08/2015 02:33 PM Actions
436 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal R3: Nouveaux requirements Veronique bouzid 26/10/2015 01:50 PM Actions
433 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal R3 ***: TM_LFR_TC_EXE_NOT_EXECUTABLE: octet 25 SPARE is changed Veronique bouzid 11/06/2015 09:11 AM Actions
427 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal R3 *** TM_LFR_TC_EXE_* : 3 parameters of SOURCE_DATA are switched Veronique bouzid 26/06/2015 01:36 PM Actions
426 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal R3 *** TC_LFR_LOAD_KCOEFFICIENTS: SY_LFR_KCOEFF_FREQUENCY ne doit pas etre superieur à 35 Veronique bouzid 26/06/2015 01:48 PM Actions
424 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal Dysfonctionnement sur le test SVS-0018 (/opt/VALIDATION_R2/lfrverif/LFR_SVS/SVS-0018/ Veronique bouzid 06/10/2015 11:21 AM Actions
411 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal R3 *** TM_LFR_SCIENCE_SBM2_BP*_Fi: octet 18 not equal to 0x0 Veronique bouzid 05/06/2015 05:08 PM Actions
410 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal R3 *** TM_LFR_SCIENCE_SBM1_BP*_F0: octet 18 not equal to 0x0 Veronique bouzid 05/06/2015 05:00 PM Actions
409 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal R3 *** TM_LFR_SCIENCE_BURST_BP1_Fi and TM_LFR_SCIENCE_BURST_BP2_Fi: octet 18 not equal to 0x0 Veronique bouzid 05/06/2015 04:54 PM Actions
408 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal R3 *** TM_LFR_SCIENCE_NORMAL_SWF_Fi : Bad sub-type Veronique bouzid 05/06/2015 04:00 PM Actions
407 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal R3 *** TM_LFR_SCIENCE_NORMAL_BP2_Fi : octet 18 not equal to 0x0 Veronique bouzid 05/06/2015 04:12 PM Actions
406 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal R3 *** TM_LFR_SCIENCE_NORMAL_BP1_F0 :et TM_LFR_SCIENCE_NORMAL_BP1_F2: octet 18 not equal to 0x0 Veronique bouzid 05/06/2015 04:08 PM Actions
399 LFR-FSW Support Closed Normal Mode Standby durant 3s à la fin des tests Veronique bouzid 01/10/2015 01:16 PM Actions
398 LFR-FSW Task New Normal Utilisez le script sur les tests de Gerald Veronique bouzid 25/05/2015 11:08 AM Actions
381 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal Timing HK erroné sur certains tests de charge Veronique bouzid 26/02/2016 03:13 PM Actions
354 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal Bit HK_LFR_CALIB_ENABLED n'est pas géré Veronique bouzid 05/06/2015 01:58 PM Actions
353 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal fonction sendOneTimecode n'est pas disponble dans SpwPlugin0 Veronique bouzid 26/06/2015 02:02 PM Actions
306 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal TC_LFR_RESET plante le logiciel de vol Veronique bouzid 12/02/2015 09:44 AM Actions
185 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal [JIRA] RPWMEB-275 The timecode tickout counter and the last timecode value are not updated in TM_LFR_HK Veronique bouzid 10/03/2015 01:28 PM Actions
175 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal PA_LFR_ACQUISITION_TIME=0x000000000000 sur TM_LFR_SCIENCE_NORMAL_CWF_F3 incoherent / TC_LFR_ENTER_MODE Veronique bouzid 23/06/2014 06:04 PM Actions
174 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal PA_RPW_PA_RPW_RCV_VALUE invalide dans TM_LFR_TC_EXE_INCONSISTENT suite à TC_LFR_LOAD_NORMAL_PAR Veronique bouzid 24/06/2014 03:10 PM Actions
173 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal perte TM_LFR_HK observé sur plusieurs tests Veronique bouzid 21/06/2018 01:41 PM Actions
172 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal Perte SEQUENCE_CNT dans APID=0xccc Veronique bouzid 17/06/2014 01:44 PM Actions
(76-100/171) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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