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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1085 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal PA_RPW_BYTE_POSITION wrong into a TM_LFR_TC_EXE_INCONSISTENT on TC_LFR_LOAD_FILTER_PAR bruno katra 13/12/2018 02:20 PM Actions
4015 LFR-FSW Bug Closed Normal HK_LFR_ME_CNT ne s'incremente pas lors du passage à zero du compteur HK_LFR_DPU_SPW_RX_TOO_BIG Alexis Jeandet 27/01/2023 09:44 AM Actions
431 LFR-FSW Feature Closed Normal Rédiger une notice explicative sur la datation des TM suite à une transition à date donnée bruno katra 27/01/2017 02:44 PM Actions
455 LFR-FSW Feature Closed Normal Test TC_LFR_UPDATE_INFO Veronique bouzid 06/08/2015 02:26 PM Actions
457 LFR-FSW Feature Closed Normal Contexte des TM_LFR_SCIENCE Veronique bouzid 26/10/2015 03:12 PM Actions
481 LFR-FSW Feature Closed Normal Cohérence/Intégrité sur TC_LFR_LOAD_NORMAL_PAR Veronique bouzid 19/01/2022 12:14 AM Actions
497 SocExplorer Feature In Progress Normal Ajouter une fonction retournant l'etat du cache Alexis Jeandet 18/09/2015 05:13 PM Actions
502 LFR-FSW Feature Closed Normal Valider le requirement SSS-CP-FS-610 Veronique bouzid 13/10/2015 10:08 AM Actions
593 LFR-FSW Feature In Progress Normal adapter au fonctionnement des modes Veronique bouzid 09/03/2016 01:54 PM Actions
594 LFR-FSW Feature Closed Normal Renseigner les champs HK_LFR_LAST_ER_RID HK_LFR_LAST_ER_CODE HK_LFR_LAST_ER_TIME Veronique bouzid 07/03/2016 03:58 PM Actions
705 LFR-FSW Feature Closed Normal R3+: ICD 4.1 Adaptations Veronique bouzid 03/02/2017 11:11 AM Actions
870 LFR-FSW Feature Closed Normal R3++: Adaptations SSS4.3 et ICD4.3 Veronique bouzid 22/06/2018 05:19 PM Actions
1068 LFR-FSW Feature Closed Normal Champ CP_LFR_CALIB_ENABLED sur TC_LFR_UPDATE_INFO Veronique bouzid 21/11/2018 10:07 AM Actions
3221 LFR-FSW Feature Closed Normal Test Watchdog bruno katra 17/12/2018 02:01 PM Actions
399 LFR-FSW Support Closed Normal Mode Standby durant 3s à la fin des tests Veronique bouzid 01/10/2015 01:16 PM Actions
473 LFR-FSW Support Closed Normal R3 *** Adapter les scripts aux exigences Veronique bouzid 27/01/2017 02:41 PM Actions
494 LFR-FSW Support Feedback Normal Gestion timecode Veronique bouzid 18/09/2015 02:01 PM Actions
545 LFR-FSW Support Closed Normal Send TIMECODE without TC_LFR_UPDATE_TIME after SYNCHRONISATION paul leroy 02/11/2015 11:18 AM Actions
561 LFR-FSW Support Closed Normal Modifer le masque utilisé pour lire le time-code valide Veronique bouzid 22/02/2016 02:53 PM Actions
589 LFR-FSW Support Closed Normal TC_LFR_LOAD_FBINS_MASK Veronique bouzid 03/03/2016 04:51 PM Actions
596 LFR-FSW Support Stalled Normal Mise à jour logiciel LFR-SGSE Alexis Jeandet 22/03/2021 12:10 PM Actions
607 LFR-FSW Support Closed Normal medium Criticity : How can we do it Veronique bouzid 18/01/2017 12:26 PM Actions
656 LFR-FSW Support Closed Normal SHow to validate HK_LFR_VHDL_SM field Veronique bouzid 21/06/2018 01:27 PM Actions
714 LFR-FSW Support Stalled Normal Parametrage TCP Alexis Jeandet 22/03/2021 12:09 PM Actions
979 LFR-FSW Support Closed Normal Mise à jour SRS et SVS et UM bruno katra 22/06/2018 05:15 PM Actions
1090 LFR-FSW Support Feedback Normal Back to time management Veronique bouzid 28/04/2017 01:24 PM Actions
1091 LFR-FSW Support Feedback Normal Lost some BP packets in BURST mode Veronique bouzid 28/04/2017 01:33 PM Actions
398 LFR-FSW Task New Normal Utilisez le script sur les tests de Gerald Veronique bouzid 25/05/2015 11:08 AM Actions
432 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal Valider le signal de calibration bruno katra 30/11/2015 05:37 PM Actions
436 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal R3: Nouveaux requirements Veronique bouzid 26/10/2015 01:50 PM Actions
437 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal R3 *** Adaptation TC_LFR_UPDATE_INFO Veronique bouzid 06/08/2015 02:33 PM Actions
492 LFR-FSW Task New Normal Implementation Timing LFR Veronique bouzid 21/09/2015 09:53 AM Actions
510 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal fields DESTINATION_ID on TM_LFR_PARAMETER_DUMP and TM_LFR_KCOEFFICIENTS_DUMP compliant // R3 Veronique bouzid 02/10/2015 04:23 PM Actions
516 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal SEQUENCE_CNT for TM_LFR_PARAMETER_DUMP and TM_LFR_KCOEFFICIENTS_DUMP Veronique bouzid 05/10/2015 10:58 AM Actions
517 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal Vérification des températures Veronique bouzid 21/10/2015 08:26 AM Actions
613 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal Validation SWF 22s Veronique bouzid 09/03/2016 01:53 PM Actions
615 LFR-FSW Task Stalled Normal Validation SWF 22s pour thomas chust 22/03/2021 12:09 PM Actions
624 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal Long test with SBM1 and SBM2 FSW thomas chust 01/04/2019 11:39 AM Actions
630 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal Long Test in normal mode in Veronique bouzid 22/02/2016 05:47 PM Actions
631 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal Transforme fichier Synth.txt en log_data Veronique bouzid 19/02/2016 08:20 AM Actions
632 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal Mise à jour document SRS / commutation immediate Veronique bouzid 02/03/2016 02:43 PM Actions
633 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal Mise à jour SRS /SVS/SVR Veronique bouzid 09/03/2016 01:53 PM Actions
636 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal bad management of HK_LFR_AHB_CORRECTABLE Veronique bouzid 21/06/2018 01:29 PM Actions
655 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal Mise à jour SRS et SVS / TC > 228 bytes Veronique bouzid 09/05/2017 04:00 PM Actions
909 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal Mise à jour SRS et SVS Veronique bouzid 21/06/2018 09:42 AM Actions
960 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal Installation GCOV Veronique bouzid 20/09/2018 02:36 PM Actions
991 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal Mise à jour Banc de test Veronique bouzid 21/06/2018 10:53 AM Actions
1058 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal Non-regression Veronique bouzid 21/06/2018 11:49 AM Actions
1067 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal Preparation Datapack R3++ 22/06/2018 05:17 PM Actions
3047 LFR-FSW Task Closed Normal Livraison de Veronique bouzid 02/07/2018 03:20 PM Actions
(101-150/171) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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